24/0 v's 18/6 open again :)


Well-Known Member
MMMMMMM taco's, Oh yeh I do 24/0 main reason Im to cheap to buy a new timer but its good to know Im not hurting the plant with no dark
You do realize that you would actually be saving money by buying a timer? 6 hours of dark time a day will save you a good amount of money


Active Member
Told you we would become friends see not that bad you can see my point on the light issue and what of moon just weak sunlight so plants are never totaly in the dark unless they are in your grow room????
Please stop with the post whoreing. You are ill informed and annoying. :spew:


Well-Known Member
YA same energy cost..

but your root system will be stronger in 18/6 thus giving you a better bud in the end.. there was an experiment done a while back.. do a search..

also.. if you actually watched cannabis grow in your life.. the 18/6 will probly end up the same height or damn close.. SINCE it grows/stretches more in the dark cycle..
longer node spacing ofcourse(less bud sites).. maybe even be taller with 18/6 in the right or i should say wrong conditions..

END of story..

The best post was "I googled it"

This guy hasn't popped a seed in his life..

Lets not forget light being like 1/5 of the growing factors.. A big one but worthless without the rest...

my guess is he just realized it is the same energy cost just a longer time.. now way?? 18 x 3 is less then 24 x 3.. thanks captain obvious..
thanks for pointing that out my friend.. without you this world would end..

tea tree

Well-Known Member
the way it works for me is that I have a hole in my veg tent. Lol, so i just run 24 on in there so as i dont get hermies. Lol, works fine, plus I get to fiddle with them whenever I want. Very convenient. I guess if I could save money and get the job done then I would on 18.6 but it aint that complicated. 24 is more fun.


Well-Known Member
the way it works for me is that I have a hole in my veg tent. Lol, so i just run 24 on in there so as i dont get hermies. Lol, works fine, plus I get to fiddle with them whenever I want. Very convenient. I guess if I could save money and get the job done then I would on 18.6 but it aint that complicated. 24 is more fun.
Interrupting the dark period during veg will not cause hermies just to let you know, only in flower will that happen

tea tree

Well-Known Member
wow, that is a show stopper. I wondered why I dont get hernies even when I do screw with things like moving them or reconstrcuting rooms. I have had to box them twice and no hermies in any lot. Very interesting. Is this anecdotal dude, or did you read this, or is this common knowledge I over looked?

Nice to turn off my 600 watt mh for a while. The electric bill is a pill.


Active Member
Coolvibes said:
mandrake was my os until Win 7 64 came on the market (like mandrake except dont need to write drivers for hardware or ask better programmers to help me do it)
Forgive me if I don't believe that you are capable of writing device drivers. You even said yourself that you were not a very good programmer, and in the languages you listed that you know, ASM wasn't one of them. Because you obviously don't know, assembly is extremely important for writing device drivers. So yeah, your stream of obvious bullshit continues. Hell, with any recent Linux distro you don't need to write drivers for anything anyway, only the really obscure stuff.

Told you we would become friends see not that bad you can see my point on the light issue
What? You've done this like 3 times now, just suddenly decide that I agree with you. I do not in any way agree with a single point you've made. The last post I made was explaining to an apparent newcomer to the thread why your insane hypothesis is wrong. You should really seek psychiatric help, you're delusional.

As for being friends, ou have lied about your knowledge of both gardening and computers consistently, refused to acknowledge a single point I have made and have made two final farewell posts already without so much as slowing your response rate. Your debate strategy consists of either arbitrarily deciding that I've agreed with you or making some batshit insane analogy which I guess in your mind is conclusive proof that you're correct and my points are invalid.

So yeah, I'm not your friend. I don't like you at all. I don't respect you in any way. You're still an idiot, and you still need to stop posting.

and what of moon just weak sunlight so plants are never totaly in the dark unless they are in your grow room????
Yeah, because moonlight is so incredibly intense and consists of the full spectrum of light that plants require. Oh wait, I forgot that you're an idiot. If this point was at all valid, no marijuana plants would ever flower outdoors because moonlight would keep fucking up their night cycle during flowering. Obviously marijuana plants do flower outdoors, so the moonlight clearly has no impact on their photoperiod.

Please try harder next time.

And just to be clear, I'm going to start tagging my posts in here with this disclaimer.

Dear Coolvibes,

I know your reading comprehension problems coupled with apparent schizophrenia are making it hard to follow what I'm saying. Rest assured that not one word in this post was agreeing with any of your points, and I am not, nor will I ever be your friend. I view you as subhuman and believe you should be sterilized to prevent further pollution of our gene pool. I loath you and want you to suffer for your stupidity and arrogance.


Active Member
I have run into this personality alot recently. They engage in hostile and inmatture posting while alleging you're doing the same.
Hard to have a conversation with people like that.

PS The word "off" has two f's not one.