24 hours or 18 hours ??? Help


Well-Known Member
I know what I know from my hands on. and 24/0 18/6 on clones from the same plant will not look that different. as you say 4th from 5th week. Because a plant still "Grows" during dark period.
i said that it grows, but it is not performing photosynthesis to make energy during the dark period, resulting in less energy for growing larger with. as for no difference i strongly disagree, their is a great difference between a plant at week 4 and a plant at week 5.in that week you should have alot of growth, my plants at around 4 weeks go and explode in growth getting bigger and bigger which leads to a chain reaction of,the leaves are the plants energy factories that make energy for more growth....new growth leads to more energy being made to make new growth which then increases the amount of energy to make new growth which then makes more energy for even more new growth which makes even more energy for new growth and the cycle keeps going on and on and on.


Well-Known Member
Yea a plant at week 4 is diff from week 5. but two diff plants 1 grown in 24 and one in 18/6 .. at the same age WILL NOT LOOK A WEEK APART. as you bring in the 4th 5th week thingy.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I saw test data on another forum about lighting in veg. They ran 20 plants 18/6, 20 plants 20/4, and 20 plants 24/0 of the same strain. The 20/4 did the best growth by a good amount. I will try and find where I saw this at.

In veg I go 20/4 because of this data. But to each his own.


Well-Known Member
Ima go 20/4 just so I can see my girls wake up earlier !
I saw test data on another forum about lighting in veg. They ran 20 plants 18/6, 20 plants 20/4, and 20 plants 24/0 of the same strain. The 20/4 did the best growth by a good amount. I will try and find where I saw this at.

In veg I go 20/4 because of this data. But to each his own.


Well-Known Member
that would be cool tho, being anti-social enough. I would love to live in alaska, growing my own Bud. indoors. Happy. :D thats a life


Well-Known Member
best thing is that in alaska is

"Possession of one ounce or less of marijuana in the privacy of the home is legal. The status of possessing an amount between one ounce and four ounces is unclear, pending clarification by the courts. Possession of 4 ounces or more of marijuana is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000.
Possession of less than 25 plants is protected under the Alaska Constitution's right to privacy (See Ravin v. Alaska). Possession of 25 or more marijuana plants is "Misconduct involving a controlled substance in the fourth degree" and is punishable by a fine of up to $50,000 or five years in prison. Any possession within 500 feet of school grounds or a recreation center or possession on any school bus is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000.
Sale, delivery or manufacture of marijuana of less than one ounce is a misdemeanor and is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $5,000. For amounts of one ounce or greater, the crime is a felony which can be punished with a sentence of up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000.
It is an affirmative defense to possession, manufacture or delivery that the offender is a patient or caregiver who is registered with the state for medical use of marijuana.
Maintaining any structure or dwelling, including vehicles, to use for keeping and distributing marijuana, is a felony offense and punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000."
so 1 oz or less and 25 plant or less grows are legal there.


Well-Known Member
you get paid to live in alaska too, lol, ive thought about moving often, i got a few friends on here who live there and they were saying they get around 2 grand a year just for living there. and im betting houses are fairly cheap up there, thats the feeling i get from talking with my friends from there, almost everything is cheaper.


Rebel From The North
you get paid to live in alaska too, lol, ive thought about moving often, i got a few friends on here who live there and they were saying they get around 2 grand a year just for living there. and im betting houses are fairly cheap up there, thats the feeling i get from talking with my friends from there, almost everything is cheaper.
ATM the only money alaskas get is the permanet dividen and it around 1300 and going to be less for 2011 native alaskans get lots of money


Well-Known Member
Alaska isnt known for its BOMB DRO as well so ehh. trying hard are you?
Buts its known for MONSTER vegatables grown in a very short summer. But guess what? Short in calender days but long on daylight during that short period. Fact is 24/0 will out veg 18/6 98% of the time............I think you should start a journal 'Ski and prove us wrong..........


Well-Known Member
6 hours more of light in 30 days= 180 hours, 180 hours=7.5 days/
Yup. That is also electricity saved. Marijuana will grow well enough with 24/0, but it grows more efficiently at 18/6 (you get more growth for the money).

I'm not sure how much faster 24/0 really grows compared to an 18/6. While one gets more light, the other gets more downtime to focus on growing with.