"25 Mile Rule" Null & Void

Did you vote for Romney who openly wants to quash MMJ in its entirety?
I'm not advocating either clown but the logic would not add up if that was your choice.

Well your assumption has no logic either.. HA


Why does it matter? I am a US citizen. A party should not separate citizens.
Did you vote for Romney who openly wants to quash MMJ in its entirety?
I'm not advocating either clown but the logic would not add up if that was your choice.

Every thing I ever read said Romney would not interfere with states medical marijuana obama however does and is.
Every thing I ever read said Romney would not interfere with states medical marijuana obama however does and is.
Straight from the horses' mouth, Marijuana leads to other things and he will fight medical marijuana "tooth and nail"

Look up Romney and the mmj patient in a wheelchair as well, this one is disgusting.

C'mon buddy, read a little more before you post some more misinformation. Both candidates remained relatively quiet on the matter entering the election but just look at what he has said ON CAMERA. I'm not defending Obama, but get the facts straight.
Straight from the horses' mouth, Marijuana leads to other things and he will fight medical marijuana "tooth and nail"

Look up Romney and the mmj patient in a wheelchair as well, this one is disgusting.

C'mon buddy, read a little more before you post some more misinformation. Both candidates remained relatively quiet on the matter entering the election but just look at what he has said ON CAMERA. I'm not defending Obama, but get the facts straight.

Nobama looks no better when it comes to MMJ or MJ in general...

I accept our president and he will likely do the same shit he has done...

Maybe you forgot about Nobama vowing to not go after MMJ patients and their sources (HE LIED)...
I don't think I like the 25/mile rule......I guess there will be added value to homes out side 25/miles..........I hope that idea doesn't spread to my state........nitro..
Out of close to 400 emails 25 folks decided to sign the letter going to the Governor...


Sent them out!
whether weather.. Same difference...
There's a BIG difference in the 2 words. Either way writing to the governor is a waste of time. She's a drug nazi! You'll have carpal tunnel syndrome a million times over before she bats an eye... Just being real, I live in AZ.

Instead of the beyond crazy 25 mile rule, they should require inspections and grow permits. But that's in an ideal common sense world.
There's a BIG difference in the 2 words. Either way writing to the governor is a waste of time. She's a drug nazi! You'll have carpal tunnel syndrome a million times over before she bats an eye... Just being real, I live in AZ.

Instead of the beyond crazy 25 mile rule, they should require inspections and grow permits. But that's in an ideal common sense world.

Folks are more worried about grammar than being able to grow their own medicine. I will proof read my posts from now on... What a joke! Doing absolutely nothing gets things done for some...

The squeaky wheel always gets the grease!

Folks are more worried about grammar than being able to grow their own medicine. I will proof read my posts from now on... What a joke! Doing absolutely nothing gets things done for some...

The squeaky wheel always gets the grease!

Well, you see, when you come to a discussion board with the thought of speaking for us growers by writing a letter that isn't written with the correct grammar, it makes all of us who choose to smoke recreational, therapeutically, or medically look like retards.
I care as much as the next grower about having the right to grow my own medication but im not going to sign some poorly written petition that is headed for the devil's daughter. All she is going to do is collect the names, research the people, find out where they live in radius of the 25 mile rule, and put them behind bars.
What petition? Do you mean letter.... Clearly says DRAFT (#1 post).

Sorry you are getting your panties in a bunch!

I speak for myself. I ask folks to support the fight against the "25 Mile Rule" and it is their move to follow!

Why fight with me over whether or weather? I know the difference. Had I known a simple grammar issue would cause such panty bunching I would have refrained!

Happy Growing
What petition? Do you mean letter.... Clearly says DRAFT (#1 post).

Sorry you are getting your panties in a bunch!

I speak for myself. I ask folks to support the fight against the "25 Mile Rule" and it is their move to follow!

Why fight with me over whether or weather? I know the difference. Had I known a simple grammar issue would cause such panty bunching I would have refrained!

Happy Growing

If you speak for your self, why are you asking us to sign it? Sign it yourself and be done with it..
im tired of those trying to fight the 25 mile ruling. If you want change, do as Obama said and vote. Simple as that. Lets put it to the vote, and that will be that.
Want a little secret of how to beat the 25 mile rule without writing on blogs or letters? MOVE OUTSIDE THE RADIUS
If you speak for your self, why are you asking us to sign it? Sign it yourself and be done with it..
im tired of those trying to fight the 25 mile ruling. If you want change, do as Obama said and vote. Simple as that. Lets put it to the vote, and that will be that.
Want a little secret of how to beat the 25 mile rule without writing on blogs or letters? MOVE OUTSIDE THE RADIUS

The fact of the matter - I was asked by 3 or more folks if they could sign it so I decided to ask everyone to sign it...

Kid get out of here. I voted and it was not for Nobama! (FYI - Arizona's electoral votes went to Romney)

Your definition of beating the 25 mile rule - No beating involved... Just you getting beat by the expenses of moving and travelling to the city to work! Do what you want mate... 2 of my patients are very ill and moving is the last thing they can do... I know not your condition but there are very ill folks out there that can NOT afford $300+ an oz. Look at the facts and stop being so narrow minded and self centered - my condition will allow me to move but what about patients with medical conditions that prohibits them from moving? Another expense.. Paying a mover.! Not realistic my friend!

The letter will have little to no effect on the "25 Mile rule" but I will guarantee the governor knows there are more than a few folks that will feel the burden of not being able to cultivate their own medicine! This is the issues I prefer to touch basis on. If you thought this letter was going to do something like get rid of the 25 mile rule maybe you have not been following me enough.

Serious question... If all this is non sense. Why drop your 2 cents? Carry on...

Happy Growing
Within the context of the full spirit of this silly bickering, according to generally accepted English grammar "your self", should be "yourself".
The letter will have little to no effect on the "25 Mile rule" but I will guarantee the governor knows there are more than a few folks that will feel the burden of not being able to cultivate their own medicine!
From Jan Brewer's actions from the get go, she doesn't believe in medical marijuana at all - but likely sees folks feeling the burden of "Reefer Madness", not the disparity of not being able to cultivate. She does not want it legal and still believes it should be illegal in AZ due to Federal law "overruling" state law, even if it was a democratic vote. Of course the Constitution overrules any Federal law and the 10th Amendment clearly puts the ball back in our court here in AZ. She's most likely on the side of big pharma and the overly expensive medical profession, and if anything she'd favor Marinol not Marijuana or those other big pharma substitutes.

Hey I voted Republican until 2nd Bush messed things up (yeah I voted for him for his 1st term), so it's not like I'm totally biased on the matter against her or her party. I do applaud your effort and concern on the matter, this 25 mile rule is ridiculous! But yes that rule was voted in by the people, I guess to candy coat the proposition and to put it in the hands of big biz and the dispensaries.
She's most likely on the side of big pharma and the overly expensive medical profession, and if anything she'd favor Marinol not Marijuana or those other big pharma substitutes.

close... she is in bed *shudders* :spew: with the for profit/private prison industry