"25 Mile Rule" Null & Void

She is wrapped up in the middle of the AMMA... She is for medical marijuana 100% that is why it was NOT Vetoed like it was many other times! This is her last term she has no reason to reach out for votes next term - there will not be one!

The local government planned it well ! Look it up! Public info mate!

'The man who appears to be lined up to inherit the $105,000-a-year state job as interim executive director of the Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board has strong ties to the governor's husband...'

The doctors are the "Key Holders" to the Medical Marijuana Program... This Program was not setup for patients.


'The ADHS crafted a regulatory program that sets the stage for what we believe can be the first true medical marijuana program in the country by setting expectations regarding the clinical assessment that is required in order to write a medical marijuana certification.'

http://www.aznd.gov/PDF/Open letter to Physicians with electronic sigs2.pdf

Remember every dispensary MUST staff a medical director.....
I don't believe Jan ever had the power to veto a voter initiative under AZ State Law as per the Voter Protection Act. It ensures that any law passed by voters at the ballot box cannot easily be changed by lawmakers. Any changes to such laws would have to "further the intent" of voters and be passed by a three-quarters majority of lawmakers.
I don't believe Jan ever had the power to veto a voter initiative under AZ State Law as per the Voter Protection Act. It ensures that any law passed by voters at the ballot box cannot easily be changed by lawmakers. Any changes to such laws would have to "further the intent" of voters and be passed by a three-quarters majority of lawmakers.


The AMMA is not going anywhere..
She is wrapped up in the middle of the AMMA... She is for medical marijuana 100% that is why it was NOT Vetoed like it was many other times! This is her last term she has no reason to reach out for votes next term - there will not be one!
I thought she opposed the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act and even sued to have it dismissed even when passed by the voters. To quote:

"Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer: Medical Marijuana Leads to Crime

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has come out to support the campaign against medical marijuana, saying that passing Proposition 203 would create new public-safety risks. Governor Brewer announced her opposition to the initiative on Wednesday at a news conference on the Salt River Reservation in Maricopa county.Brewer has not campaigned for or against any of the other nine propositions on the Nov. 2 ballot.The reasons that Governor Brewer stated she was against medical marijuana in her state is that she feels the campaign amounted to a backdoor legalization of marijuana, and warned that dispensaries would overwhelm communities and become magnets for crime. At the conference she said, “I am fearful of the additional societal costs we will incur if voters were to pass this proposition, “ and, ”I ask my fellow Arizonans not to be bullied into believing this is about compassion for sick people.”" - http://www.opposingviews.com/i/ariz-gov-jan-brewer-medical-marijuana-leads-to-crime

Unless she made a 180 degree flip-flop I don't see any 100% support from her.
Yes maybe I used the wrong terminology.(trolling).. And went on a limb a little. (trolling again)

She is reaping from the AMMA and that is fact whether she is for or against MMJ.

And she never drank Scotch and drove into the back of a minivan on the I-17. And Mr. Montgomery never smoked pot back at Cortez High! What these politicians say in their public dealings doesn't reflect their true self or beliefs.. If our governor supports pot their goes her prison lobbyist money!

Excuse me for not believing half of what is said in the papers and media!

When Brewer "sued" she was looking for Relief of prosecution by the FEDs so the AMMA program can smooth sail without interruption - a court order to implement the Law which gives full immunity for obeying a court order. For someone that is against Pot she is sure doing nothing to fight it...

Carry on....
I have a hard time getting a read on Brewer. I do recall her asking for "relief/immunity" from the federal government. It seemed like a reasonable idea, but some saw it as a stall tactic for her to avoid implementing the law. My honest opinion is she's trying to stradle the fence. That way whatever is popular 10 years from now (and whatever she is doing) she can look back and cherry pick her actions to fit popular opinion. True politician!