26 days! I think is too small to be 26 days!? what do you guys think?


What can i do?, i have it under 3 23 watt CFL - water every other day 18/6 lights... no nutrients or anything yet. i have a feeling that the ph of the water im using to water it with is too high, but im not sure... please help!



Well-Known Member
Definitely too small and very sickly looking. Mine are about 23 or 24 days and they are about 4 times that size.


Well-Known Member
just a quick observation:

Not enough drainage
Lack of nutrients
Lights not close enough
Overwatering probably as well...

If you have extra seeds I'd start over as that plant is pretty sick looking...I usually don't tell people to scrap a grow, but you'd probably have much better results starting over...

https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/937-how-grow-marijuana.html <-- Read that as well...you will be much happier after you do :)


Active Member
id say u need to add some nutes... also what kinda soil... maybe try something with alot of perlite in it. you dont want the soil to stay wet long so you need alot of drainage.


Well-Known Member
What can i do?, i have it under
3 23 watt CFL
- water every other day 18/6 lights...
no nutrients or anything
yet. i have a feeling that the ph of the water im using to water it with is too high, but im not sure... please help!
No its the crap soil your using and on top of that your not feeding it. Get some veg nutes start at 1/2 str and use better soil next time, bring lights down to about 4".


Looks much healthier although still quite small for 33 days. Way to revive it though! I'd suggest LST'ing to bush it out and getting some nutrients involved as it still looks a little weak. Still looks a LOT better than day 26. I'll admit I loled a little at your expense :)