26w 1600 Lumen 6500k.. Good cfl?


Well-Known Member
yeah i post way to much haha and yeah according to the goverment were all goin to hell for our lil affair with Mary Jane lol

and hey dude i vegged out side for 72 days this year and had 106 degree heat for 2 weeks straight haha their doin fine now tho haha


Well-Known Member
Idk bout u kho, but tell me where they at n I'll come see em lol. I live in NY n go to SoCal alllll the time.. I could always take a connecting flight once or twice haha. Yea see how I had a laugh there darkness u douche that means it's a joke, n seriouslyy I could give a shit less I'll tell u to go fuck ur mother while I beat ur sister n grill ur baby brother.. What r u gonna do? Start a thread bout how much of a meanie I am? I don't believe I even saw u in this thread idk what ur doin in it. Stop being a lil baby if u think I'm saying something offensive shove the opinion up in ur butt, I said I can't take the whiney bitchy kids on here n u come in outta nowhere n decide to b that nagging lil fucker.. Idk y u decided to do that, u just proved my point that some babies need to man the fuck up grabs ur balls swallow the comment or opinion or have at least some intelligable rebuttle, like one that doesn't make me reiterate my basic theories about majority crying for no reason. Jesus Christ y don't u go paint the fuckin sunset n cry over tuna made from dolphins.. Since I still have the two testicles in my sac, if I saw someone get at me like this u know what I would do? I would say haha ur an idiot, laugh, or just ignore it. Don't come back to me with ur pussy philosophies that we all need to join hands and dance to the music of the wind...
yo man, FUCK YOU!!! i was saying why people get so pissed about rude little bitches like you......i'd ask you not to pass your genes on in our species.....we dont need anymore retards like you, but its not like you'll ever have have consentual sex with a woman without money being involved. just give up now, save yourself the bother of trying, you and your life are completely meaningless and pointless.kill yourself now and save the resources you'd consume for someone who is worthy of living. :evil::evil::roll:


Well-Known Member
yo man, FUCK YOU!!! i was saying why people get so pissed about rude little bitches like you......i'd ask you not to pass your genes on in our species.....we dont need anymore retards like you, but its not like you'll ever have have consentual sex with a woman without money being involved. just give up now, save yourself the bother of trying, you and your life are completely meaningless and pointless.kill yourself now and save the resources you'd consume for someone who is worthy of living. :evil::evil::roll:
hahahahaha this is hilarious... but he already apologized to you and thanked you for the comment lmao so chill bro everythings gonna be all rite.....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
was i playing or being serious? you be the judge
on the whole note bout the straight up fuck you id consider a joke

these parts your bein a dick takin it to far and should shut the fuck up and quiet the fuck down

"i was saying why people get so pissed about rude little bitches like you......i'd ask you not to pass your genes on in our species.....we dont need anymore retards like you, but its not like you'll ever have have consensual sex with a woman without money being involved. just give up now, save yourself the bother of trying, you and your life are completely meaningless and pointless.kill yourself now and save the resources you'd consume for someone who is worthy of living. :evil::evil::roll:"

this shit is jus childish and not needed i severely hope you grow the fuck up brobongsmilie


Well-Known Member
did you forget what you typed back here kho, your doing exactly what you were bitching about b4. i was showcasing how some people take it way too far and are offensive in response to u calling me a whiny bitch! LMAO!!!!! you were offended even though you were all "people take stuff too serious". its just too funny.......im gonna stop here. you said it was alright to call people names and say stupid shit like i did on purpose here and then 2 posts later you say i took it too far.......lol, you fell into my trap dude, just give up.


Well-Known Member
hahaha okay bro the only reason i got on you about it cus you went off after he already said " his bad" but yeah you took it to far i wouldnt of said shit if you werent serious about it now oyour tryin to back your self up by turning it back on me ..... lol so okay yeah cool well say im wrong you won your a badass and we can all get back to growin weed how bout that .......


Well-Known Member
i would say dark might be cool people.. but that would be with the left side of my brain.. dark, incase u didnt know, us mentally, present stable-minded folk, use the right sides of our brain.. ok dark, now the brain is what most of us have in our skulls, no its not just a thick black liquid like urs is, ya see black is a color, the darkest of colors, the complete opposite side of the color spectrum from white, which would be the lightest of all colors.. r u serious? fine.. a color is measured by saturation and brightness of light reflecting off of an object to create a certain hue, u see colors everywhere in ur every day life... a life is something u will hopefully one day encounter.. it will be a glorious day, a day u will tell ur grandchildren about (test tube babies, god knows a woman will never insert your sensitive little whilly whacker into her vaginal cavity)... but until then, start picking up some useful advice from the internet suicide websites... i hear they work wonders for poeple with no friends...


Well-Known Member
and btw captain pointless pecker, kho was basically saying u took it way to far, i didnt go tell u to die in 12 different languages.. i was mearly stating my opinion.. yes the same opinion that u decided to give ur two cents to, when it was clearly stated that i wasn't trying to hear any of ur hoopla.. good luck with the websites.. if u want, i'll help u find some, a lot of them prefer u to do it on video so us sociopath like assholes can watch it everyday as i masturbate to u dying..


Well-Known Member
yes for a seedling if your using 1 and a few more when the plant get bigger the bigger the more light bro thats how it goes and try and dual spectrum it so get a 2700k bulb 2
what up brotha..
i have 3500k and 6500k in there with it right now, plants onyl bout a foot tall..

jesus i hate when my threads go all outta whack.. sorry to everyone else and i still greatly appreciate any advice u might have for me..


Well-Known Member
i got a good laugh from this thread, im satisfied. cant you understand IM JOKING??? just like u said you do and how you hate it when people take you so seriously. i stepped over that line on purpose to make you lose your cool and get mad like other people do to your posts to show how your a hypocrite, dont you understand that? you guys need to do what you said b4, take it with a grain of salt and realize its all in fun and games and not get offended.


Well-Known Member
no one got offended you jus came out of nowhere with bullshit when we say shit jokingly to someone it goes like this....." dude why wont you go die... i hear rat poison does the trick.... LMAO..... if you wasnt such a fuck youd kno that and kno one would here explaing shit in color by number for your ass .... if we wanted to be told tto be sensitive to people or censor myself because some lil kiniving wanna be with momma teat in thier mouth took it seriously id live in fuckin russia or some other pointless waste of space but all the same your cool and what not ..... there that make you feel better


back to the grow as i said before if your not gonna contribute go find another thread bro

anyway hayze man yeah opps on the thread jacking and yeah you want a more mixed spectrum as youd have in nature i kno everyone says 6500k veg 2700k flower but mothernature dont instantly switch her flashlight she jus raises the red in the fall and blue in spring its always a lil different every day .....


Well-Known Member
Ya know what. I like ya dark. Fuck u, in ur stupid ass, but ur cool bro lol, u kinda kept ur cool after I told u that I wanted to masturbate to u killin urself.. Haha lmfao bro but that was FUCKING FUNNY.. Let's all just smoke some weed to cure the hate lol


Well-Known Member
N kho.. Lolbro this wall all too funny, but right now it all just made me crack the fck up HAHAHAHA..

But what ur sayin about mixing spectrums, like I did,.. 6500k n 3500k together is pretty nice, no?


Well-Known Member
yeah but when flowering time comes youll want more 2700k than the 6500k more red spectrum to simulate fall


Well-Known Member
Should I just get 2-2700k then for flower? N I'll leave in the 2- 3500k? And maybe the 20w 6500k? Or should I just leave that one out?
It's easier to answer my questions in numbered order lol cuz I always seem to ask like 3 or 4 questions in each post


Well-Known Member
if I keep my plant under 24 hours of 6500 n 3500 mixed, it won't begin to flower right? Only WHEN I change the lights n start doing 12/12 right? Just want to kno that too, cuz the whole point of putting it inside n with 24 hr light is to hopefully get a couple more inches out of it before I start flowering.. So basically I'm asking if it's up to me to decide when to flower? Or even with all the blue/white light and 24 hours of it, will it begin to flower on it's own anyways?


Well-Known Member
youll see lots of new growth during the first 2 weeks of flower like alot bro but it shouldnt start to flower on you unless they mature out and even then it wont be like it would when going to 12/12.... leave the all if you have space and add the 2700k bore light more big buds you need like twice to four times the light needed in veg to flower a decent plant yeah maybe lil baby buds wiill grow and youll get a bowl or so but why gro if thats what youd want we want to at least grab us an ounce if not more in perfect grows they get bout .65g and up but usually no more than 1 g per/w in reality first time growers and cfls can prolly produce .2 g to .4g per w so think more watts you can give em in flower the more you could possibly yeild


Well-Known Member
Globes? Lol not to b a dick bro but wtf r u talkin about? I'm talkin about a 26watt cfl.. I need like 16 for a 4x2 closet to grow 4 maybe 5 plants..what super light r u talkin about that one could suffice 15-20 "fully matured" plants?
this is one of my supa fluro lghts
