2lb DWC/LED Scrog Sour D run


Let me preface this by saying thank you for taking the time to read through this. I know someone will appreciate all the detailed info provided, and hopefully multiple people will walk away learning something here.

Not that I have anything to teach, I’m more here to gather information and share what I know. Educating myself and others along the way.

Let’s Begin :)

I’ll throw down all the equipment/items that were required or went into this particular run.
Be advised that everything is brand new, as I took a few year hiatus from the botanical game.

The Goods:
1) 5x5 Gorilla tent
2) Growers Choice ROI 720
3) 400cfm can fan filter/400cfm inline fan
4) All white Coleman 150L/40 gallon cooler
5) 165L/min of Active Aqua air pumps
6) 2 air disks, 6 air stones/cylinders
7) BlueLab Guardian w/ PH & PPM/Temp remote probes
8) TrolMaster Hydro X controller
9) TrolMaster Aqua X controller
10) TrolMaster Light,co2,temp,humidity remote sensors
11) TrolMaster PH,PPM,Temp remote probes
12) TrolMaster App real time monitoring of all devices, and data points
13) 6” netpots
14) 3x clip on circulating fans
15) 1gallon humidifier
16) Blink Security Camera
17) 420 gallon per hour submersible pump for Res/nutrient changes
18) Schedule 40 PVC for scrog frame
19) Thin Twine for the netting. I drilled self tapping screws into the PVC at 4” apart on all sides, then just wrapped the twine from one side to the other
20) 12,000 btu AC unit

20 items, not bad. Lol

Now to the Soup and Data:
H&G Aqua Flakes A&B
Botanicare Cal Mag
Botanicare Hydroguard
GH PH up and down
Dyna-Gro Pro-Tek
7 stage RO water with the last step UV treating the water

The Res gets pumped and changed out completely every 7-10 days. Give or take depending on how they are doing health wise, and how much change in PPM or PH has occured.

The Tent climate is as follows:
Temperature: 73-78F
Humidity: Was at 30% humidifier replaced now at 50-60% steady.
Co2: 450-850ppms
VPD: 1.15
LED Lux: 30,000 Lux

The Res conditions are:
Temperature: 64-67F
PH 5.7-6.1
PPMs have increased by nearly 200 each week.
Week 1 200ppms
Week 2 400ppms
Week 3 600ppms
Week 4 800ppms
Week 5 900ppms

Each daily the PPM drop by about 20-40 points. The PH is rising with the PPMs but at a much slower rate.

I’ve had 2 main concerns throughout this whole run.

1) After changing the water in week 2, the following day, the roots went from a very nice bright white, to a having a ton of dark spots. I continued to monitor this initially thinking it was undoubtedly root rot. However the roots and the plants continued with explosive growth, so I did not change a thing.

To this day, the roots still have a ton of dark spots that I’m essentially just chopping up to the nutrient solution staining the roots. 100% my Res temps never exceed 67F and 100% there is no light leaks. The water is filter through a 7 stage RO system.
See photos below for reference. What do you guys think?

2) Odd wrinkled looking new growth. It’s hard to describe but it appears to only be the newer growth/top sites. I tried decreasing the light intensity and raising the light, but that had no effect at all. The tips of the newer leaves are also very bright, they almost look bleached. I was thinking that since my humidity was at nearly 30% the entire 5 weeks that, they caused a significant chunk of any of the issues I saw. After diving a little deeper into humidity stress, it appears it can exhibit itself is a bunch of funky ways that often get mistaken for nutrient deficiencies. I may be completely wrong here, what do you all think?

Other than that everything seems to be growing great. The roots are HUGE, the plants grow significantly each day.

I began at week 3 tying the plants down (LST) to help position and control them.

At the start of week 5 I laid down the scrog netting and began tucking and bending and pulling through the net. I like to get a little crazy with my scrogs, it should be a huge tangled mess when I’m done.

Since laying the screen I’ve managed to snap 3 branches. 1 of theirs actually being the main stock of the left plant. The top 6 or so inches broke off when attempting to bend through the screen.
It doesn’t appear to have slowed them down at all, if anything they are doing better than ever.

Anyone have hands on experience with SourD? How much more should I fill the screen? I normally go about 80%, and I safe to do that with this strain?

Any tips on getting the most out of this Sour D? I’ve always passed on growing it, as many state she’s a very finicky strain.

If your still reading I appreciate you! Any and all feedback is welcome and thank you again for stopping by!
