2nd attemp at a 1st grow!! All advice welcome


Well-Known Member
Best advice I ever got on growing was KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. Helped me out alot, I always tried to make things too complicated. You'll get it! Good Luck!


Active Member
Best advice I ever got on growing was KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. Helped me out alot, I always tried to make things too complicated. You'll get it! Good Luck!
yea man I know, ... but its not just happening HOLMES! years ago {0ver 20] I put a seed I got from a shrink wrapped brick of weed, into a shitty pot of Edinburgh's finest local soil and it grew into a big girl (tiny buds) very tiny but looked ok,
Now I cant even start them off !
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Well-Known Member
how long have you had the seeds? Where are you keeping them? I had a stockpile of seeds that I kept in a spot that was too warm and humid. They wouldn't do shit. If they did sprout leaves that was all the further they went. just something to consider.


Active Member
not long and they all sprout within 36 hours. keep them in drawer, from Barnies, Royal etc so unfortunately it me me me that's fucking it up


Active Member
imrolling a similer set up in Uruguay with Snow Fruit n 300w goin decent worried about there groth but i like ur tent man good luck n sweet n sticky treats


Well-Known Member
Barneys is a good seeds to mate that's where I got mine and no probs....honestly don't no wots happening with ur gals r they any better today??


Well-Known Member
Come on screem at those little fuckers tell them Mr green will b round to c them if they don't buck their ideas . Up.lolol..keep the faith my Freind...


Well-Known Member
Could it have anything to do with the water you're using? I don't know where in china you are but in harbin and Beijing the tap water was foul and toxic .


Active Member
no its not the tap water mate,, this lot are under ph buffered filter water. The humidity and tempos are all fine , its just they tend to get very dry and almost brittle , but ive been told not to mist because that can magnify the lights and burn them


Active Member
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I have given them a very low dose of A/B Sensi and they seem to like.
The plant that looks ok is a Royal Dwarf the other I think was a freebie auto but its leaves are weird.
At what point would you guys reckon I should switch on the LED?
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Active Member
So 3 gallon pots to start from scratch and finish then?
Yea im not sure of their exact size dude but they were available and too be very honest if you know my seed/seedling murderous past then you will realize im just happy to get a nice plant from start to finish !
Even if it is a bonsai !