2nd attempt at 1st grow...problems again :-(


Active Member
yes, my tap water is 7.2-7.4, depending on the rain, and ppms always under 60 so when I water that should raise it if anything you'd think, but after adding any nutes it goes down..they aren't growing FAST, but they are growing..guess I can work the rest out when I get to it...oh and I have some new spots on the leafs, mostly fan leafs, but white circles..,.nothing ate through em, just white spots on 2 plants.Any ideas?
I did give them that 1 feed of bloom nutes, until I decided I wanted them to get bigger before I flower them.
Not going to worry too much today, spent too many hrs up reading threads yest/last night/most the night, am not feeling too well now.
I'm just going to sleep and let them do the same, we can worry tomorrow if it gets worse.LOL


Active Member
Wizard's is a different style of mix that we make for both indoor and outdoor use. It is unlike our other mixes in that it contains 15% Worm Bedding Compost. It acts like an organic soil mix but is not considered organic. Because of these properties, the mix requires little monitoring and addition of plant nutrients. This product is considered an all-purpose planting mix. It does very well in pots but can also be used in planters or in the ground mixed with existing soil. It is particularly desirable for growing foliage plants and perennials. With available drainage, this soil will not water log. It naturally has good drainage and porosity.

It is pH buffered and balanced within a range of 6.0 to 6.5 which is considered neutral. This mix exhibits a moderate exchange capacity ranging from 280 to 320.

It does have lime flour, is that like dolomite lime? They buffer the PH?
It does say it ranges from 6.0-6.5 hmmmmm


Well-Known Member
the perfect PH for soil is 6.8, if your in the range of 6.6-7.0 (+.2 or -.2 of 6.8) i really dont think its going to make much of a difference. you can add dolomite lime or any lime but read up a bit on adding lime to soil, its not always the best thing to do as it contains alot of magnesium wich plants only need really small amounts of.

good chance im talking out my ass but your plants dont look deficient or locked out so i wouldnt bother messing with them.


Well-Known Member
are you testing multiple parts of the soil? makes sure your checking different samples in each planter

and what kind of test are you using, the cheap digital tests are unreliable and i wouldnt go putting too much faith in one unless you have another teast to back up the results.

i still think it would be wise to not mess with it unless your showing major lockout(deficiency)


Active Member
3-4 diff areas, yes, and the lowest one was close to the rootball of one of the bubbles that has some weird shit happening w/ her leaves...


Well-Known Member
the white circles on the leaves are they tiny white dots? if so you may have spider mites check the undersides of the leaves looking for small black dots, if you find them you can get some non abrasive soaps and oils to treat them with


Well-Known Member
i just looked at the last pics you posted and your plants couldnt look more healthy in my opinion. my suggestion is to just leave well enough alone, if we start seeing signs of a spreading deficiency then you will want to act.

remember a plant is not going to be 100% green throuought every leaf, things bite the leaves and shit just happens and they get spots, the rest of the leaf is still doing its job.


Active Member
spider mites cause little white spots??????????
I look over the foliage every day, have never seen a mite, nor any webbing..I use neem oil as a preventative measure, plus the DIATOMACEOUS EARTH..which is supposed to keep critters away? I have used azamax on them when someone told me b4 they thought I had them, I sure have a lot of little spots that look like somethings chewing them, be damned if I can find a bug except those 2 gnats on the sticky paper, that's been all on the 5 strips of that stuff around my garden...


Active Member
ok...sounds good, keeping it simple...
I may fall back on old ways with my worrying, but as long as I'm not treating them for every damn thing I think may be wrong, lol.
It's all good and thank you!!!


Active Member
and the white spots are more of a light tan, and its also on the back side of the leafs...no bugs though, looked with the x80 handheld scope..
so that is good..


New Member
Oh SHIT! She's at it again! Calm down! I highly doubt you have spider mites. With the 250 times a day you peak through your microscope, you CERTAINLY would have seen them by now. LOL!

Matt I blame you for this. You put the idea in her head! LOL! Bro JK!


Active Member
LMAO...I actually check them every other day, FYI...LOL.
I am not THAT OCD!
And I am not worried, hell if half die, I still have 10 new plants I didn't have a week ago!
Now that I have some cushion I'm not stressin as much, like it's not worth the $ running a 1000 watter for a few plants..at least now I have the clones growth and development to look forward to, also.
And as I said, if the 2 troublesome winches give me too much hell I'll chop em into clones, lol.At least with clones you can start with a higher ppm (I am assuming) since they were getting that while part of their mumzy? At the least they may not be so damn nute sensitive.
I am hoping the big bud, the N. lights and the 10 white widow I have in a cup now do well :)
I actually think since I have to move by March 5th, I will wait until I'm in the new place before messing with my hydro unit again..so soil it'll be for now :-)


Well-Known Member
assume mites..........even with no spots. mild horticultural soap with water......daily. always act as though you have mites......and you never will


Active Member
I thought that was why I sprayed them w/ neem oil every week, as a preventative measure, it won't stop them from gaining a stronghold?
And I also had/have ladybugs(out of 1500 I think there r 2 survivors, but I see em on different plants all the time...they eat the bastards and their eggs..my last set of plants had these lil clear balls that would turn white under and on top of leaves, never saw one mite but everyone had me convinced I had em..I think they are little thc balls, as I have never seen one single mite, and one night I was so freaked I tore half the leafs off a plant, all of them had these lil balls...and I watched them, to see if bugs would hatch, nothing ever happened, and all the plants had them..where these tiny balls were there was never any visable leaf damage....let me go check for that...
I of course did a complete fumigation and sterilizing of the room b4 I started the new seeds.
I have found large carpenter ants in the grow room, a LOT! (like 6 this week) will they eat foliage, I know they eat rotten wood and trees (I live in a national forest) so there are lotsa creepy crawlers here..
In Somas book he says the same thing about neem oil...they will never infest plants that are regularly sprayed.He recommended every 3-4 days until 1st week of flowering or something, I worry about the stomata getting plugged with too much, so have been doing it 1x a week...


New Member
Ok, if someone were to suggest to you that collecting yellow snow from outside and using the melted water would make your plants double in size over night, would you start wondering and looking for you coat and a cup?

You have seen no bugs. Perhaps something that looks like bug spots. Perhaps it is some residue from the multiple things that have been done to these EXTREMELY strong girls! LOL! Just check for spots increasing in size or number, use your scope and stop worrying.


Active Member
yellow snow...thats N! haha...no, but Soma is like one of THE gurus of budz though =-\
Tough? Why do ya think I have put them through the ringer...? Man, now I feel like shit!!!
If anything, I haven't been able to give them enough attention, of the right kind, anyway...