2nd day nothing?


Active Member
You are germing it wrong. It may sprout, but take it out of the light. Seeds like to germinate in dark, moist, warmish conditions.. imagine being a few inches deep in soil in spring after a warm rain. That's when they would naturally start to germinate. Soil is unnecessary until the tap root emerges. You may even have it now but it's going to take a couple of days to break the soil.


Active Member
I would highly recommend reading through the various stickies on this forum. You have much to learn.


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Staff member
Okay so im new at planting/growing. I have a thing of soil (good stuff you buy at the store) and i took the seed and put it down in there about..1..2inches.. then watered it sat in the window sill until i got lights up. But so far its the 2nd day i see nothing? Maybe i should wait longer. Idk if its because i just planted it straight or what. I heard of some paper towel thing with warm water mothed if anyone can explain that also to me im new. Thanks alot for reading i hope you post to help. :lol:
First off asrockerr, welcome to RIU.
1-2" seed burial is a bit deep - I generally only put them down about 1/8" or so, just enough to cover them up.
The paper towel thing you mentioned is called a "Germination" method - soaking the seeds in damp paper towels in a dark, warm place allows the seeds to rapidly germinate. First you will see them swell & split and then the tap root will emerge - this is when you would want to plant them.
BTW, 2 days is nothing to be alarmed at, sometimes it can take upwards of a week or more with the method you're using.
Don't sweat it.


Well-Known Member
I would of planted both the seeds to begin with, how do you know it's going to be female?.... Your seed you have right now might sprout, and might look good.. but a month from now when you sex it it might be male, and all that time is wasted...

This is why people plant 9-10 seeds at once to make sure they have atleast 3 females....
From the looks of it you should of spent probably another 100+ hours on here reading before trying this.


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Staff member
Okay so thanks for the post everyone. So i can keep this pot going still? It should grow right? I got 1 more good seed left.. Well that before i start asking people for theres but this was from some decent weed lol. I hope it grows i will try the other method later in the other pot im currently gonna get some lighting. So i Take it out of the light. Thanks. New to all of this and i was looking around forums learning stuff but failed on the very first part xD
I highly recommend you begin reading here.


Global Moderator
Staff member
:O So if its a male will it bud?.. Im gonna be honest ive been trying to look for a simple to the point guide and i read and read..lol But can anyone tell me difference between male and female. :confused:
Seriously my friend you need to go into the newb section & just start reading anything that sounds interesting. Any question you can think of has already been answered there - most with pic's.


Well-Known Member
i think what everyone is telling you(myself included) from personal experience,read till your eyes bleed then read some more. once youve done that then start your grow. it will be less painfull for you and your plants.this is a great place ,with some really good info, not using the resources at your disposal (this site,internet etc) is a crime.When you have a good idea of what u want to do ,how you intend on implementing that idea,and the resources to do so then start a journal take pics,give details then ask away and im sure you will get a response. No one here wants to be a babysitter as im sure we all have a life outside here.lol not trying to be a dick, and hope u dont take it that way. peace and good luck!


Active Member
I've got 6 plants over a month in veg that look beautiful.. and I'm still here every damn day, learning something new. You can never learn too much. You also can't hurt anything by just trying.. and seeing what sucks and what doesn't. Experience will teach you much more than any words on the internet.
Okay well im sorry if my questions were a bother to anyone lol. I told you i did read. Read alot yesterday learned alot of stuff. Also i know this question is probably out there but most isnt straight to the POINT. So if i have a female..Can i clone it? or how does this work.. Stupid question i know and you will probably hate me xD
Yes as I believe if it's a female you can clone it into other female plants


Active Member
this thread tickles me lmao. i cant tell you anything they have not said yet, but let me just clarify to put something into perspective. there are growers of all types on this site and a dozen others like it on the internet. before i came here i started on youtube and searches "how to grow marijuana" watched at least 30 videos (not exaggerating) then i searched the internet, found some good info untill most good info lead me here. then i read and read and read some more created a profile and began to grow. believe me when i say even veteran growers come here and read everyday not to look for noobs asking questions like how to germinate a seed. but to learn for themselves. so if it seems ppl have an attitude towards noob questions its not because we think we are above answering them its because the answeres are right in front of you but you still asked. now with all the info i/ we have amassed in all this time dontcha think its kinda cheating to skip past the answers and ask the teacher? we love to help those who help themselves. i hope i put into perspective whats been going on in this thread withought an attitude. welcome to roll it up we hope you stay but do things respectfully and we will be glad to help. may your gardens and thumbs forever be green. peace, Hoenhiem.


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Staff member
Here's a bit of solid information on germinating provided by Uncle Ben. If you follow his recommendation you will be pleased with the results.

Germinating Cannabis Seeds (for soil)

Your seedlings will be much better off if you germinate directly in soil - less handling and mechanical disturbance means less chance of physical damage to the plant's taproot (and roothairs) and less food reserves used to position itself due to the natural hormonal influence called Gravitropism. That translates into less food reserves used and increased seedling vigor, especially in the very early critical stages of seedling development.

This is my foolproof method for Cannabis Seed Germination in soil:

First, if harvesting seeds from my own crosses, I air dry newly harvested seeds for a couple of weeks, and then store them in the refrigerator with a little rice. Cold-treatment seems to increase viability and germination rates, especially with indica-dom strains. I almost always get a 100% germination rate with quality seedstock.

Soak the seeds in plain water for 12 hours prior to planting to hydrate them, which will speed up germination. In general, good seeds will sink, bad seeds will remain floating (they contain air, not an embryo). You can sanitize your seeds in a bleach solution (1 Tbsp. bleach/1 gallon of water) for 1/2 hour to kill any fungus residing on the seedcoat if the source of your seeds is questionable.

Sanitize enough *damp* fine soil with heat to germinate all of your seeds. You can do this by treating the damp soil to temps of (no more than) 200F for 20 mins in a conventional oven, or in a microwave oven on high for 2 minutes, while stirring a couple of times. Your goal is to get and hold the entire soil mix's temperature at 170F to 180F for about 20 minutes which can be monitored with a probe type thermometer. Let the mix cool thoroughly. This will insure that damp-off fungus spores have been killed in the soil mix. Make sure the soil mix is light and humusy (not real coarse). Skip this if you have quality, clean soil.

Buy some white 20oz styrofoam "drinking glasses", commonly called "Styro-Cups", and punch holes in the bottom (and side bottom) for drainage. I use a red-hot ice pick for this. These containers are 6 1/2" tall and will allow ample room for the taproot to grow before cotyledon emergence which will increase your seedling's vigor. The taproot (radicle) is already at least 4" long at the point of emergence - don't restrict it (in order to maximize seedling vigor). Styro-Cups can be found on the shelf displaying picnic items at your local grocery store.

Fill the pots almost to the top with your soil mix, water well to settle the mix, take a pencil and make a small hole about 1/4" to 1/2" deep, NO deeper, and drop *one* seed in. Cover the seed with *fine* soil, only enough to top up the hole, firm lightly with your finger, and lightly water until water runs freely thru the drain holes. Place in a warm spot around 80F/26C. Do NOT cover the cup with saran wrap or anything else. The seed has been hydrated from the soaking and will germinate soon. This container should not require further watering until the seedling is up and running.

During the first couple of days, mist the top soil surface lightly (if need be), never allowing the top to crust over, but not to the point that the medium stays waterlogged which will invite pythium rot (damp-off). "Less is more" at this point. Do NOT water this pot any more until the seedling is up, and only if it needs it at the point of emergence. Again, no need to cover with plastic wrap as the radicle (taproot) will grow at least 4" before the cotyledons emerge from the soil. IOW, even though you can't see it, the plant's root is seeking and finding moisture at the container's lower soil levels. I cannot emphasize this enough. The seedling will emerge anywhere from 2 to 10 days from the time you sowed it.

That's all to it! With good care, your faves will be ready to transplant within 1 to 2 weeks, and will easily slip out of the "cup" with a solid rootball that will never know it's been disturbed if potted up gently and quickly. Move up to a final pot of 3 to 5 gallons to sex and finish.

An effective transplant solution can be made using (no more than) 1 teaspoon of a 15-30-15 fert and 10 drops of Superthrive per gallon of water. Take note regarding the immediate growth spurt after this transition!

Good luck,
Uncle Ben