2nd degree murder. "...egregious on many sides, on many sides."!??

When someone drives a car into a crowd because they think being a racist is ok?
Nope nothing to do with morals and values.

Please just shut your computer off and go back to eating lead paint. Mathter Raith all day! Derp derp.
oh my bad buck sure thought this was about jew gold.
some fist fights but no riot before or after.
How is this not either 1st degree murder x 3 or an act of terror.?
there is a petition on change.org seeking to get the driver of that car prosecuted for terrorism.I'm not PC and I'm not ashamed of being a successful white man but this kind of violence and hatred is just wrong. and trump has made this kind of white trailer trash comfortable engaging in this kind of actions
you champion calling anything racist or sexist or poor or rich or whatever else Karl Marx had in mind for you to do.

you champion playing the victim as a straight white male, just like the neo Nazis do. you're that filth, just own it already.

i don't call abything racist or sexist, just he shit you spew and other shit like that.

good job on the "marx" jab, totally not something a neo-nazi does or anything.
odg helped our government kill brown people and now he is trying to call me a racist. whatever it takes to have 0 responsibility in your actions. yeah you were helping kill women, children, regular citizens. don't ever try and act like you have some kind of a moral high ground to any of these people. You are those people. you are the worst of humanity. get over it and admit you helped kill thousands of civilians.
FIFY. Last time someone shot at me, they died. Just something for you to ponder.
if you speak about another race you are bad and unamerican. If you go to where they live and kill them you get to join buck in calling out racists.
odg helped our government kill brown people and now he is trying to call me a racist. whatever it takes to have 0 responsibility in your actions. yeah you were helping kill women, children, regular citizens. don't ever try and act like you have some kind of a moral high ground to any of these people. You are those people. you are the worst of humanity. get over it and admit you helped kill thousands of civilians.
I'm 5% Indo-Iranian. I didn't kill anyone out of a sense of bigotry. You, however, are a spineless bigot without a sense of personal responsibility as well as a set of balls.
I'm 5% Indo-Iranian. I didn't kill anyone out of a sense of bigotry. You, however, are a spineless bigot without a sense of personal responsibility as well as a set of balls.

chelsea manning had to serve prison time for letting us know what you conquistadors were doing over there.
Yeah. You know. He won't give me his address because he's afraid I'll hurt myself. Not that he's afraid that I'll flay him alive and fuck his corpse after bleeding him out or anything.

I dont know odg personally but if he is a vet with ptsd I would not dare him. I know my brother is a vet with ptsd and he doesnt give a shit about getting arrested and could possibly leverage his veterans status to get a lighter sentence. I dont press him when he is stressed. I wouldnt press ODG either.