2nd degree murder. "...egregious on many sides, on many sides."!??

You sure you didn't think that said "rib job", meat man? Is that what got your loin chops all reverse-tenderized, if you know what I mean?

I still want to know what this means:

Why within days? Why not within moments? Why not "when you're ready"? Why not "now"?

And what kind of cutting are we talking about here? Clearly, your intentions are nefarious if not downright homicidal and/or cannibalistic with regards to Chunky Stool.

And why Chunky Stool, anyway? Do you not realize that you would be leaving Mrs. Stool -- Mrs. Sandy Stool -- a widowed woman?
It's not nice to mess with Mrs. Stool... :fire:
how long before olive parrots this too?

did you notice there's only like three of you really anymore? used to be lots more.
i honestly don't care how may people slam you for being a neo-nazi racist fuck retard living in a trailer and making less than poverty. it's true even if no one says it.
no way two people could think the same thing about obvious facts regarding median incomes.

valid point. a like would suffice for that. but I mean in olive fashion....you know, like then repeat verbatim.

is that jewelry "store" owner in your google review who I think it is?
No no, i re-read it to make sure! I was sure it said rim job before posting! i swear!
Never nefarious, or i would have voted republican my friend.
Days, got to cure that shit. I guess you could just call my humor fucked up lol. Somebody has to be that guy. so let cheesy be him.
Unless you want to give me my fucking money back?

Flo can't play. She's on vacation this week in the south of France. She did say to let you know she bought a crepe with your money and it was "c'est vraiment magnifique, sucre".
It's not nice to mess with Mrs. Stool... :fire:

Can I ask you a question, Chunk? I heard that many families with the surname "Stool" changed it from "Stools" when they immigrated to the US from Ireland as a reaction to the relentless teasing and persecution they suffered at home. For example take you and your wife. Don't you think you'd get teased a lot more if your names were Chunky and Sandy Stools?
Can I ask you a question, Chunk? I heard that many families with the surname "Stool" changed it from "Stools" when they immigrated to the US from Ireland as a reaction to the relentless teasing and persecution they suffered at home. For example take you and your wife. Don't you think you'd get teased a lot more if your names were Chunky and Sandy Stools?
Dude, my last name isn't really Stool.
ChunkyStool is just an alias I used back when I was into gaming.
Another favorite was Testicleez. 8)