2nd Flower. 3 Strain, 600w HPS


Well-Known Member
You know I can't pass up laser tokes! I wish I was a better grower...Working in kitchens, I spend a lot of time at work, not to mention the fact that I commute 2 hours every day(one there, one back), so I don't have nearly as much time as I would like to have with my garden...But it's all good! Just hoping my bud is up to par with yours...lol...Oh well, I just love weed, and mine gets me high! :)

Update in a few mins. pics and vid


Well-Known Member

^^before and after^^^ the last 2 pics

i saw roots on one clone so i party cupped her. I so cant fucking wait to put them all under my MH!!!!! see that Krypto? and thats just T5 growth..:D


Well-Known Member
i had only 2 clones make it after last cut. im zeroing in on gettin this right. cut 4 CD clones, and 2 Kryptonite (lowest 2) will top her in the next day or two


Well-Known Member
the LA smells like a Piney sour, Blue dream smells sweet and fresh ( i think its puttin out doobious amounts of 02, adding to that freshness smell) the Chem dawg a light skunk with a sour after sence...

just sayn :D


Well-Known Member
no no no no not yet bro! 10days maybe till the LA and BD, but i may cut the CD as soon as MONDAY!!!!! i putted i little nugget from da bottom see how that works out. tricchs are almost all clowdy, still a bit clear in spots.


Well-Known Member

topped the Kryptonite this morning for the first time, giving me 5 mains. cloned her up, high hopes for the cuttlings, even the lazy ones;)

stand by for flower update tomarrow, probly in the morning cuz i think im headed out to san jose. gettn a gaurd card finally:D


Active Member
Nice pictures. Krytonite is on my wish list along with.......Why bother, I wanna grow them all. Green House Bubba Kush and Reserva Privada Critical Jack are up next. :leaf: Keep those pictures coming Bro.