2nd grow 1st grow journal


Active Member
In the last couple days these ladies have been doing amazing. Im adding a couple more pics just to show what i mean.

the damaged MK is doing great as well. I removed the main cola (the damaged one) and different one appears to be absorbing all the energy that the main one was getting!!

Franks Flowers

rainbow 1 (also damaged from the heat)

rainbow 2


Active Member
so, these ladies are starting to put on weight. i have added some bamboo, and i also took a couple shots of the Trich's for yall. (not really great shots)



Active Member
okay.. so here are a couple pics just 2days into week 3 and also a little video



rainbow 1


Franks Flowers (thanx Sparky, its doin great!)

finally an MK Ultra with the G-13 behind it
haha nice I love my green lantern


Active Member
so here are some new pics too everyone.. we are in week 7 now and flushing!! and BTW, in the photos im holding a roll of electric tape behind the tops:hump:

here is one of the rainbows (#2)

and here is an MK Ultra

and finally the G-13


Active Member
yeah man, but only right after the lights go out...lmao
Ahh ok because my next question was how many hermies you get from that lol... Yea for sure just was hoping that you were not hitting them deep into it because I want to see your turn out. I am 4 to 4.5 weeks away and tried taking a pic with only the Green Lantern light to show some progress not sure how good you can see but will take more when light comes on. Sorry iphone pics are not the best.. but will try to take more later first pic is like 4 days ago Green one that is not to visible is today



Active Member
looks great man... how much light do you have and what kind of set-up are you using?
Right now I have 3 1000 Watt lights. Running 4 trays because of shape of room. 1 4x8 1 3x3 and 1 4x4. 2 rez. One 40 Gallon for the 3x3. One 115 gallon for the 4x4 and 4x8. I am now on a feeding cycle of 8x per day..... Doing the GH Expert feeding cycle right now.... and how do I post a video? Do i have to upload it to youtube then insert link? If i can find out how to get videos up I will post mine.


Active Member
Here is 6 days into Veg.
Here is 10 Days into Veg. Made this to show a friend how to prune and where to prune and for me to show another friend so he gave give some hints on how I am doing compared to his and where he is telling me i need to cut from where i was cutting
This one was like 2 weeks and 5 days into flowering I think or 3 weeks on the dot I forget tho and yea I know I am molesting the plants but I was touching every one so that I could describe to my friend what I am talking about.
This is overview to compare to my cousins room and yea I won that $50 bux lol. This is 3 weeks and 2-4 days in. do not remember tho


Active Member
i just checked my MK Ultra trichs, im seeing about 10% amber colored trichs now, it may be sooner that i thought. still no purple on the rainbow though


New Member
Whoa dude. This is the ONLY pictures I have ever seen of that rainbow I brought up to Washington and passed out to alot of people (including you obviously)

Lots of folks call my Urkle (Demo's Urkle) and it is, but some believe it is Rainbow, it is not. The plants below are very clearly Rainbow, my version anyway.

It does not grow in nug configuration like the Urkle.

I have not seen these pictures before, even my wife said, "Whoa, that is the old Rainbow, very different than the Urkle".

Very good.

Is this grower aka LTG?


rainbow 1 (also damaged from the heat)

rainbow 2