2nd Grow. Big Mama and her babies.


Active Member
i can't wait to cut her just to see what her skeleton looks like. it's gonna be quite interesting lol. i'll just let it dry and harden and then cut all the zip ties.


Well-Known Member
you can find them in grocery stores. juices and teas provide great buckets! my brand was tropicana i believe? everything is foiled up nowadays.
i can tell by the top of the lids they were the tropicana ones. i like the look of the rim on them as well, for training. . does the screen inside only wrap the sides? or does it cover the bottom as well? ive never seen that done before..

anddd side note, about how long does it take for you cuttings to have enough roots for transplant, ? anddd do you use a humidity dome on your cloner? if not/do, how often do you spray? i really like how well your clones develop. . IM very new to this, and trying to get the initial parts down. thanks!


Active Member
yea anything with a spot for me to put a zip tie is good for me. lol. the screen only wraps the sides because there are only 1-2 holes in each container and they're always on the side about 2-3 inches up. it's just plastic window screen so it will withstand the length of the grow. haven't had a problem with crud getting around the screen either. i wash my perlite and hydroton before i put it in to get any dust out and small particles. the water still freely flows out the side when i'm flushing. one quick fill to the top of the container and it'll flush it quite well.

usually takes my gals 5-7 days to have roots popping out the sides of the grow sponge. you can transplant them immediately if you wish but they will take about a week or more to hit the bottom of the bucket. I like to check for roots and as soon as they pop out i add a 1/4 nutrient solution to their water and give them another 5-7 days to develop long tap roots. then they adjust to the bucket immediately because you can bury the tap roots deeper down in the bucket so they are almost in water already.

i don't use a humidity dome on my cloner actually but i've had great success. I use an aerogarden. the grow sponge stays quite moist but extremely airy throughout the process and if i cut off enough of the leaf tips they stand freely and never droop. i'm sure a humidity dome will allow them to root faster but i just like having them open.

first 4 gals were cut 5 days ago from a small mother

other 2 were cut from an unknown plant that i popped about 3 weeks ago. gonna flower the main bush and save these then. reallll interesting smell on this one.


Active Member
here's how the clones are lookin. i obviously didn't top that one enough lol. it's goin straight up! just gonna let em be from now on. the one in the top right corner is being treated with colloidal silver and if it grows balls i'll prolly hit it to the lower nodes on that tall one.

this gal is pretty dense and i'm expecting good things. turned this wimpy bush..

into this :)

little unknown cheesy/body odor smelling seedling. hopefully the two clones root because this baby is in the flower cab to sex it out and test run it.

new setup. once big mama is cut the bigger bush will go up top. also ordered another 100w led so it will be extremely purple down bottom! :)

4 clones in the back just popped roots. so they have another week till two of them go into flower and two go into the veg box. 2 front unknown clones are doing great. standing freely :)


Active Member
so i've thought of a dilemma. gonna have to cut earlier than christmas. forgot i'm gonna be with family for a week and away from my plants so i can't have it drying during that time. or curing and getting moldy cuz i'm not opening the jars. looks like she's getting cut this week or weekend. good thing she's ready. i was just wanting to let her fill out wonderfully. don't think that extra week in flush will make a huge difference and this is the bombest shit myself or my friends have had so not worried bout that quality difference either lol! so there will be some updates coming soon.

definitely has the iceberg effect going on with a lot of buds like in the last photo. i believe i lollipopped quite a few a little too hard and prevented the iceberg. now i know the line where i shouldn't cut hehe.


Active Member
Thanks :). she seems a little less than what i was expecting but unfortunately i had to cut early because of scheduling issues. not actually early but earlier than i was planning. can't wait to see how her first day of drying went.


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sooo.. side note. that random bagseed thati popped a while back. well it's a male. i wanna breed him into my strain.

any good ideas on how to control the pollen so i can keep him in the same area?


Well-Known Member
no holes unless you want accidents im actually having problems with the way i have my tent, cause in order to remove it from the grow area some pollen may be coming out the bottom, but what im gonna do is build a 2 part cylinder(chicken wire rolled in circles, clear plastic wrapped around and ,top too, to, to cover it, (check my journal got a few pics of it) bottom cylinder bigger than the top, so the top cylinder slide into bottom the to total diameter will be about 9" its mean to fit one 6" qt pot(8"diameter)

it will naturally build up heat and off gas enough to bring in enough fresh air to grow fine, ive never had a problem but its good to have a way to fan air in occasionally probably.(the top could have a few hole, hot air will rise out, i just worry about pollen rising with it.)


Active Member
yea everything that i thought of had some slight flaw. so i can't really decide on a method. i threw away the clones i had saved(in case it was a gal),one had even started shooting roots already lol

Now about Big Mama. so my test between the light types has been concluded. i realized how much better the LED is for flowering. the nugs this time are definitely smaller than the biggest ones from last time. obviously there are more lol. the quality and smoothness of my faster dried tester though was better than last time. I barely flushed last time and overnuted even more than this round ha.

So i can't wait to combine my increased knowledge and my second LED that should be here like tomorrow. Gonna use the large cfl for introduction to flower and the start of bud formation but after that the older gals are gonna bask in the double LEDs with supplemental t5 and t8. The nugs that i had near the t8's are bigger than average and damn are they rock hard.


Active Member
2nd LED arrived! yay! gonna have 200w's of led in a less than 2x2 closet :) think i'm gonna split my closet into three sections now for max space utilization as well since i'm moving away from DWC and won't be using the large reservoirs. i'll have the 2x 30w T5 fixtures all the way up top with the gals that are fresh into the closet, then they'll graduate to the 125w cfl from when they show sex till the bud formation really starts then they can fill out down in the LED for the last month or so. the second two out of the 3 sections will also have the 128w T8 on the door. so the light exposure really ramps up. I can also get more of those t5 fixtures for real cheap if i need.

anyone have any thoughts or ideas on this one?