2nd Grow/Early Misty/No Plan


Well-Known Member
Yo Frosty, when do you usually start bending your trees?
All depends bro..If theyre pure sativa, or sativa dominent, and baring in mind that i grow 12/12 from seed, i will start to tie & trail the seedlings around the pot as soon as they are around 4 nodes, or as soon as theyre tall enough, because its hard to tell how long they'll take to mature and they stretch like a bitch when they flower...IE my current grapefruit, grew to a little over 2ft before it started flowering..Its now around 4.5FT long... If i hadnt trailed it a lil as it was growing the top 12 inches would be above the light... Without using a lil LST i wouldnt be able to grow Sat's in my cab.
Never need to tie my Indicas, or atleast very little.
It kinda depends on the speed of growth too, if its rocketing up during Veg, you may find it goes through the roof when it flowers..

If in doubt, try a lil training at first and see how quickly your plants grow..
P.s i always use LST on strains i'm not familiar with or have grown rarely, saves being disappointed if it out grows you growspace.


Well-Known Member
Great job on the grow dude right now im rocking 16 cfls but next time im spreading around a lil 150 love!



Well-Known Member
hey Wink :) I'm sure you'll be reasonably impressed with the 150w, many people dont see the point of using a 150w, but they work well in the correct setup.
What ya got under the CFLs ??? Hows that grow going??


Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member

It's done. I've harvested, and I'm not too satisfied. I need help here.

Look at these pics. Please tell me it's genetics and not my growing. They're Early Misty plants. I've done everything that I'm supposed to, from nutes, to flushing, to proper clipping, temps, humidity, etc...

The only thing that was questionable was that I only had a 150 watt HPS.

I got like maybe 3 quarters of an ounce from 3 PLANTS! That BLOOOOOWS!

The fade is really heady though, and strong enough to satisfy.

I'm totally happy about actually taking these from seed to harvest though.



Well-Known Member
it looks like none of your hairs started to turn color yet-i think you harvested a little to early.but if you give it a long cure it might turn out to be ok.and as far as the weight goes,your buds almost double in size the last couple weeks before they're ready for harvest so next time let them go for 2-3 more weeks longer.and next time lower your cfl's to the middle of plants so your lower branches get more light

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
Just got done with my second round of Early Misty. Wow, what a difference experience makes. One plant out weighed all 3 from the 1st grow. I waited a little longer before cutting them down and the weight friggin' tripled. I'm amazed. This grow was phenomenal.

150 watt HPS. A little over 2 ounces DRY from 1 plant. Who's the man!

