2nd grow on a window sill. Need advice please


Active Member
I've got two plants growing in my window sill and I live in southern England. Both plants are bagseed. They've both been growing for about 3 months. I'm using NO NUTRIENTS and NO ARTIFICIAL LIGHTS, and I don't intend to. I'm sure one of the plants is a Female and I don't think the other is showing any signs of sex yet. Do I still need to switch the light cycle to 12/12 for window growing? Do I need to put either plant into a bigger pot? Should I cut off the stems which have leaves going brown? (see pics) I really don't care how much bud I get off these, if any; I just wanna give it a go. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys



I recommend using some organic nutrients.. Especially when your plant is lacking light. It's organic so why not use it right? You'll notice the difference in your plant in no time. As for the 12/12 question I'd avoid it unless you plan on making a grow room because constantly moving your plant will shock it and turn it hermie.


Active Member
Is it not too late to start using nutrients? Also, how much do these cost roughly + where can I buy them? Will they still bud if I don't switch to 12/12? What does 'hermie' mean? Sorry about all the questions. Thanks for the help you've already given :)


Active Member
mate, dont mean to be funny but, you got more chance standing down wind from me, and getting stoned than you have from them plants. if you in the uk, im sure the judge does care if they are substandard or you are unsure what to do, what im saying is read read read, IF you want to give it a go, its not worth the risk imho, had the same conversation with a friend the other day, if your taking the risk (which in the uk it is) then you got to aim for the best.. no??
I've got two plants growing in my window sill and I live in southern England. Both plants are bagseed. They've both been growing for about 3 months. I'm using NO NUTRIENTS and NO ARTIFICIAL LIGHTS, and I don't intend to. I'm sure one of the plants is a Female and I don't think the other is showing any signs of sex yet. Do I still need to switch the light cycle to 12/12 for window growing? Do I need to put either plant into a bigger pot? Should I cut off the stems which have leaves going brown? (see pics) I really don't care how much bud I get off these, if any; I just wanna give it a go. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys


Active Member
I just don't see those plants getting the lumens to make dense buds with any potency. They definitely need nutes, you've obviously lost half the leaves already from self-cannibalization. Nutes without proper light to encourage uptake might just burn them. Do they get direct sunlight for any length of time?


nutes shouldn't be too dear.. I got my veg and flowering nutes along with a ph indicator(for testing the ph of your water) and ph down(for bringing down the ph level of your water) all for around 30 euro!. a hermie's a cross between a male and female plant and usually happens due to stress and shock. The guys here are right though. The plant isn't in great shape and light is a major factor and completely necessary for photosynthesis( how the plant generates energy). The more energy the plant has the better your bud will be, if you manage to flower the plant. When the plant flowers it'll need more energy(light) so if you want to get anything from this plant I suggest giving it to a friend who might have a light set up?