2nd Grow Papaya/Mango & Lightning strike


Well-Known Member
I just harvested my papaya plants the other day.. Definitely a great breed, they're in jars at the moment curing. First few smaller flowered branches brought in about 60 grams (useless wet weight, of course) with the buds separated from stem. I have not put the other 3/4 of the plant in jars since harvesting went for 3 days in stages.

How long did you Flower for?


Well-Known Member
everying is going ok today i fed them EC1.4 and PH6.5 water today mixed bio grow and hammer head nutes to try and get some of the dark green back to the leaves. here some pics :weed:



Well-Known Member
everying is going ok today i fed them EC1.4 and PH6.5 water today mixed bio grow and hammer head nutes to try and get some of the dark green back to the leaves. here some pics :weed:
really nice lookin girls there lizzard. you're doing a great job!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
really nice lookin girls there lizzard. you're doing a great job!:bigjoint:

Thanks man :-P

im doing my best lol i just noticed today ive got sum purple going on near the bud sites i know its cuz of cold tems at night im not sure how cold my grow room is at night tho but i like the purple i wanna keep it that way.

not much to really update on the grow ive got some leaves that are dying but i will clip them soon im gonna feed them nutes again in a few days to try and perk up the green but that about it for the moment ill post some pics later in the week and ill try and get some shots of the purple to show you


Well-Known Member
so its bin 4 weeks since i turned over to 12/12 i dont know if i should be counting from when i switched lighttimes or from when the pistols started showing if so its around 3 weeks from the pistols. anyway heres a pic



Well-Known Member
so its bin 4 weeks since i turned over to 12/12 i dont know if i should be counting from when i switched lighttimes or from when the pistols started showing if so its around 3 weeks from the pistols. anyway heres a pic
lookin good my friend. can you tell which are Mango yet...by smell? how tall are they now?


Well-Known Member
the plant that is just over 2 feet tall i would say that is the mango because it smells of fruit and very sweet the other 2 wich are both over a foot smell the same like my last grow witch was diesel ryder so im thinking they are the lightning but theirs still time to go so i cant be certain for sure but i defeinitly get a fruity smell from the first one


Well-Known Member
the plant that is just over 2 feet tall i would say that is the mango because it smells of fruit and very sweet the other 2 wich are both over a foot smell the same like my last grow witch was diesel ryder so im thinking they are the lightning but theirs still time to go so i cant be certain for sure but i defeinitly get a fruity smell from the first one
well, I've read the Mangos can take 6-10wks! you're at just over 4wks now...so, around 2-6 more weeks. in two weeks you should pick a small bud from near the top of the plant, quick dry it, over a day or two, smoke it, then see. but I would wait at least 4 more weeks...

come check my Mangos out...https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/145957-5-strains-medi-bud-thc.html:bigjoint:

this is one...they're 13 days flowering.



Well-Known Member
looking good there onenumcat ill definitly check out ur thred to see all your girls how many you got now btw? i plan on leaving them for about another 5 weeks but they may need a litle longer i dont think they will be done in the next two weeks an im gonna start flushing on the 8th and 9th week


Well-Known Member
looking good there onenumcat ill definitly check out ur thred to see all your girls how many you got now btw? i plan on leaving them for about another 5 weeks but they may need a litle longer i dont think they will be done in the next two weeks an im gonna start flushing on the 8th and 9th week
all the Mangos are girls, 3...well, actually, I only found one JH male...24/25 FEMALES! since I only started with 3 medibud feminized seeds, it seems some or all of my feminizing techniques work...:joint:


Well-Known Member
all the Mangos are girls, 3...well, actually, I only found one JH male...24/25 FEMALES! since I only started with 3 medibud feminized seeds, it seems some or all of my feminizing techniques work...:joint:
well done dude 24/25 you are gonna be swiming in bud soon lol

My tallest plant is now 2 foot and 9" and their is abud on a side branch that looks done already i know what ya thinking BS right. but no all its heirs have turned red from what i can see and i checked out the thrics todays and i sware i can see some amber coloured ones im wondering what i should do shoud i cut it and have a smoke or should i just leave it an see wahat happens ive only bin in flowering for 4 weeks and 6 days now i know Mango from Nirvana says 6 - 8 weeks but maby this is some kind of freak occurance if anyone could give me some advice it would be much appreciated :-P ill try and post some pics up today to show you the bud its a very small bud but ill try and get a decent pic


Well-Known Member
littel update with pics for ya today plants are doing ok ive been feeding them nutes every wattering they seem to be fine with it at the moment i will be flushing in the 8th 9th week tho so hopefullt that will get the last of the nutes out, just to re cap ive been feeding them on Hamerhead nutes from Adavanced Nutrients and also Bio Bloom i think my PH meter might be out of wack at the moment so im gonna have to callibrat that asap.

but their looking good buds are getting bigger all the time hope fully they will turn out to be a good smoke :-P



Well-Known Member
so its now past the 6 week mark of flowering im gonna chop on the 15th of April (im hoping) theirs alot of orange heirs but still alot of white ones too some im hoping they will turn in the next 2 weeks or so at the end of this week i will start flushing the plants and they should hopefully be all good to go after the flushing period.

the budz are thickening nicely and caked in crystals :lol:

First 2 pics are of the smallest plants i think they are the lightning strike cuz they smell around the same and the smell is very strong a really good skunky smell the last pic is of the Mango/Papaya which smells very fruity.



Well-Known Member
my seed co says 6-10wks for the mango...I looked at several sites with mango...they're all a little different. I'm sure you'll get lots of nice smoke from em.
they're all looking really good! I'll harvest some of my mango a few weeks after you, but I'll let some go longer also, just to see how it is...


Well-Known Member
So its bin along time coming but ive finaly got to the 2 week flush. ive been keeping a close eye on them through the scope an i can definitly see that they will be ready at the 9th week i can see amber thrics starting to form on the budz still a few clear ones left but mostly all are cloudy. the Mango has developed a nice thick cola and feels rock hard which i was aming for so i ahve a fat grin on my face at the moment lol all is well. heres some pics i know the scope shot is a bit dogey and hard to see but ive tried to enhance the quality best i could so here you go, enjoy:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
1 more week left to go and i can start my harvest their are alot of white heirs still be ive buin checking out the trichs from time to time and they seem to be getting along nicely if i were to guess percenatges i would say 85% cloudy 10%clear and 5% amber on all plants.

I fed them today only pure PH'ed water tho here sum pics to show ya how their doin all from a birds eye veiw.



Well-Known Member
yes, I'd say about 65 days is good. those buds will be really nice looking buds...real dense! great job!


Well-Known Member
ive cut down a few sample budz today i know i olny have to wait till this wednesday to harvest but i couldnt resist im quick drying them out now and will stick them in the jars for1-2 days wont make a diffence probly but ill try it.


Well-Known Member
finaly all my hard work has paid out i harvested my plants on Wednesday the 15th of April i should have posted back then but i had a bit too much on.

for pics i will post some later my camera is playin up so im soz about that.

anyway the quick dry stuff i smoked the other day was good im just waiting for the rest of the plants to dry then i will be curing for maby 2-3 weeks depending how they are getting on at the time.

But pics coming soon :weed: