2nd grow started, auto, cfl


Active Member
i started my 2nd grow just about a month ago,and a couple more a week ago, im wanting to make it so aventualy i have at least one havest a month, im growing top69 autoflower right now,have some afghan kush on the way, using cfls,,,

if you have any questions or suggestions just let me no

new grow 001qqqqqqq.jpgnew grow 003qqqqqq.jpgnew grow 006qqqq.jpgnew grow 004.jpgnew grow qqqqq.jpg


start to lower your nitrogen intake (the gloss on the top leaves show nice nitrogen and mineral uptake already), IMO flush the root system with some water 2-4 times (it actually increases growth many times), start upping your P and K slowly into flowering and any other nutrients or enzymes etc. Keep your CFL's around 4 inches from your plants, CFLs don't have the luminosity to reach around plants. Oh, and I can't say from experience but I would go with feminized seeds from well recognized companies next time over auto-flowering strains. Auto-flowering strains are very new and I don't think can guarantee steady or "great" genetics knowing that autoflowering genetics come from a cannabis type know to cause headaches. smoke on and gj


Active Member
just an update if anyone is looking, about 5 weeks from seed, also started a hydro setup about 2 weeks ago

top69 fem about 5 weeks from seednew grow 023www.JPGnew grow 021wwww.jpgnew grow 024wwww.jpgnew grow 022wwww.jpgnew grow 027www.jpg

bagseed about 2 weeks from seednew grow 020wwww.jpgnew grow 028wwww.jpg

fast bud fem sprouted this morningnew grow 025www.jpg


Active Member
update on my grow, everything has gone pretty good, hoping to start a scrog within a month,probley going to use a hps, going to have a tent for flowering and my closet is about 4 feet by 4 feet going to use that for veg and clones.

top69 auto- almost 6 weeks oldnew grow 032eeeeeeee.jpgnew grow 033eeeeeee.jpgnew grow 035eeeee.jpgnew grow 034eeeeee.jpg

fastbud auto- a few days old oldnew grow 030eeeeeeeeeee.jpg

bagseed- little over 2 weeks oldnew grow 031eeeee.jpg

bagseed- little over 2 weeks oldnew grow 029eeeeeeee.jpg

someone else

Active Member
Firstly, I have to apologize on the behalf of the rest of the RIU community...more people should be tuned into this.

Really impressive work!

Few questions:

-are those 5 gallon buckets?
-what would you say the average height/width is?
-have you noticed that they are excessively nute sensitive?
-have you noticed a great variance in the phenotypes?

I've heard many say some stay short and auto, while some grow to normal height and flower times, etc.
Really amazed at the crystal formation on your leaves. I've heard so many mixed reviews on autos, so it was a nice sight.

I plan on doing an exclusively auto grow next year, 4 strains, and really value other growers journals on them.

Anyway, thanks again, and sorry for all the questions...I'm just surprised someone else hasn't asked them....hehe.
