2nd LED Party Cup Competition Official Update Thread


Well-Known Member
made it just in time! official update #1


so far i have 4 out of 5 cracking shells and sine iv been reading the bubba 76 sucks i threw 2 more in to germ , a piff bagseed is for if the bubba dies. i threw in a cali conn chem 91 skunk to replace the blueberry gum that isnt germing. next update coming soon...


Well-Known Member
The comp has started for all....! :)



Active Member
Hey guys I germed some seeds for de party cup even if I am undecided on what to do..well, I was going to call me out of this but than I thought naaaa am gonna do it why not! I should put them in their cups in a few hours I'll put up some pics! They are in distilled water, 2x Afghani kush and 2x hash bomb. I might germ more stuff today but I wont use them for the party cup as yesterday was the dead line for germination!
See you a bit later


Well-Known Member
Why was there so many people at the start? People just cant commit to anything nowadays!!!
I sprouted muchos beans for this endeavour... lady luck just doesn't want me to participate I guess. lol

Weird thing is, I usually never have problems sprouting beans. First my Nirvana AK-48 didn't even crack, then various 'The purps' beans either cracked and didn't sprout, or didn't crack at all as well.

sgt john

Well-Known Member
Update, day #26

Growth is slow, but steady with the Kessil.. (SoloCup)
The one under the SolarFlare is faster.. (other one)

Sorry to hear those members dropping out.. Next time, we should send everyone the same number of seeds, and they have to use those..
Kinda send out a kit, cup, seeds, soil and other stuff... I should start selling them on e-bay...lol



Well-Known Member
I'm in for the next one, I hope, when was the first/how long before the third?

Until then, I'm subbed to see what a party cup can do.


Well-Known Member

They are all budding, but man I suck at this game!!

You guys that are always feeding bottled nutes def have an edge!! you can just give em the same thing you give to the plants next to them, me I have to make mini batch of nutrients.

Anyway, I ll start feeding them more, I just want to do better than the previous competition!! however, all is not lost these little things still might turn into monsters!! :eyesmoke:

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I got a 5th seed that I dropped in a glass of water last night that might enter the competition on next update!


Active Member
Ok I dropped two regular Afghani kush in the cups

1part coco
1part aged bark
1part ewc
1part grow stones

+ 15ml of:
Dolomite lime
Granite dust
Rock dust
X every gallon



Well-Known Member
^^^ Hi Psych, you should just take a picture of some party cups filled with dirt and say there's some seeds germming. You know how long some of these seeds can take to pop sometimes;)?
Not that I'm condoning people cheating. It's your conscience, not mine. LOL