2nd time grower, Left lights on for 24-48 hours during flowering week 7


Hi all, screwed up big time, switched off timer to water plant just as light turned off. forgot to switch it back on. Realised last night and the lights have been on for 24-48 hours. I have returned it back to 12/12 on its regular schedule now. Any advice from people who have done something similar to this would be appreciated as i am very scared she will hermie. The strain is aurora indica, single plant in a 4x4.



Well-Known Member
i've done that before. its okay man. its late enough into flower that the plant shouldn't herm

thats a 7-9 week strain so you only have a week or two left right?
even if the plant did herm and started to grow sacs there isn't enough time for pollination and seed development.

just carry on and pinch off any ballsacs if you see any.