3.5 days old w/ picts


Active Member
plant looks alright, good color and stuff but its already stretching! and that bad as a seedling, move your light closer...do ou have a way to hang it above the plants?


Active Member
how can i lower the heat first off i know 85 is way to hott and the light is above the plants as well what do u mean by streching im not following that


Active Member
i dunno really, with your set up probably put holes on each side and uncover the holes from blanket, you can also freeze water bottles ever day and put them in there....stretching means the stem is growing vertically too fast for the branches, you want alot of nodes and a stronger plant, they reach for the lights so you wanna always keep the light within at least 4" MAX!


Active Member
by bigger lights do u mean more wattage remember im taking these outside soon as there ready any thoughts of when that is a good time to do


Active Member
ok ppl about how long until the plant will begin to take shape b/c it still looks the same as in my picts just bigger leaves