3 Black Kids..

Tis true. Some of those people in their 80's and 90's now see the error of their ways, some don't.

I don't have a problem with a 90 year old black man hating me because of the color of my skin, he's earned that with what he endured. I resent his great grand child hating me for the same reason. I resent fuckheads no matter what color they are telling that great grand child that he can't succeed because whitey is keeping him down. I resent the fact that fuckheads still think that Billybob's redneck bar-b-Que could post a sign saying no darkies and have a thriving business.

What you say that went on 50 years ago was true 50 years ago. Try to catch up.

it's not confined to 90 year olds, that's your weak attempt at marginalizing our history.

that person who was denied a loan for a legitimate business due to institutional racism knows that the ripples aren't confined to some magic vacuum.

you can't hamstring someone at the starting line, get halfway down the field, and ask them why they are so slow to catch up now that they're not being hamstrung.

that great grandchild you say has no right to resent anything might have had a much better chance at success had grandpa been able to pass down an inheritance if only his loan application was not denied due to his skin color.

but that's just your privilege blinding you.
should i be scared?

i bet it was some kind of court ordered thing after you committed some kind of hate speech. you and 30 other convicts forced into some cultural sensitivity training. probably one aborigine and 30 other white trash scumbags like you.

i'd bet the house and farm on it.

Nice try bigot, Obama wouldn't like hearing youre scared to live amongst minorities.

I was invited up there after touring with aboriginal musicians from a tribe just outside of Hermannsburg.

You don't have a house and farm to bet, ask your wife if she'll let you bet HERS though... Obviously you should try a different approach than the one where you asked permission to buy a firearm... Just saying your arguments don't seem too convincing or you'd be in like flint by now...
please compare the history of persecution endured by jews in the united states to the history of persecution endured by blacks in the united states.

You're right Buck, black people are sooooo screwed here in the United States. I wonder if there's a place on earth that has a huge African demographic to prove to us that it is in fact the United States is holding them down.
that great grandchild you say has no right to resent anything might have had a much better chance at success had grandpa been able to pass down an inheritance if only his loan application was not denied due to his skin color.

This is what I mean, you actually believe the bullshit you type... You should be ashamed you race hustling bigot...

It's your privilege, nobody used this phrase but you.

I'm about to roll in the mud with you dumbass. Just using the phrase white privilege implies that. Pull your head out of your ass and quit trying to act smart when you have nothing intelligent to say. Go post some unrelated picture, it at least leaves doubt of your ignorance. Posting your actual thoughts removes all doubt.

When you are just being an idiot you are somewhat entertaining, when you are a flippant, obtuse idiot, it makes it hard not to respond in kind.
You're right Buck, black people are sooooo screwed here in the United States. I wonder if there's a place on earth that has a huge African demographic to prove to us that it is in fact the United States is holding them down.

i know a few places like that, but they were all pretty fucked up by colonialism.
Nice try bigot, Obama wouldn't like hearing youre scared to live amongst minorities.

what do you mean nice try?

i asked you if i should be scared, and am still waiting for your answer.

You don't have a house and farm to bet

i don't?

it's not confined to 90 year olds, that's your weak attempt at marginalizing our history.

that person who was denied a loan for a legitimate business due to institutional racism knows that the ripples aren't confined to some magic vacuum.

you can't hamstring someone at the starting line, get halfway down the field, and ask them why they are so slow to catch up now that they're not being hamstrung.

that great grandchild you say has no right to resent anything might have had a much better chance at success had grandpa been able to pass down an inheritance if only his loan application was not denied due to his skin color.

but that's just your privilege blinding you.

Institutional racism is a product of laws from well intended idiots like yourself. Why is race even mentioned on a loan application?

That great grandchild will qualify for college grants that my white privileged middle class child would not. I'm OK with this because it's how it works. I'm OK with it as long the socioeconomic standing was the reason for the grants, not the color of ones skin. This is where you and I differ. I think blacks are just as capable, what's holding them back are people like you telling them constantly whitey is keeping them down. One graduates college debt free while the other graduates in the hole thousands of dollars. Who is the one doing the catching up?
This is what I mean, you actually believe the bullshit you type... You should be ashamed you race hustling bigot...

are you saying that the effects of the types of discrimination that occurred within many people's lifetimes happens in a vacuum, and the the ripple effects don't have any impact on future generations at all?

or are you just all butt hurt again?
Institutional racism is a product of laws from well intended idiots like yourself. Why is race even mentioned on a loan application?

That great grandchild will qualify for college grants that my white privileged middle class child would not. I'm OK with this because it's how it works. I'm OK with it as long the socioeconomic standing was the reason for the grants, not the color of ones skin. This is where you and I differ. I think blacks are just as capable, what's holding them back are people like you telling them constantly whitey is keeping them down. One graduates college debt free while the other graduates in the hole thousands of dollars. Who is the one doing the catching up?

you're right, it's white people who face all the obstacles in our nation, always has been, always will be.

when will you poor white people catch up?
when will you poor white people catch up?

Wow, you don't even like to admit you are white. Look at this post, it's like you are ashamed to be associated with your own race.

Try this question instead of being a bigoted ass, when will poor people catch up? If racists like you keep making it about race, the answer is never.
what do you mean nice try?

i asked you if i should be scared, and am still waiting for your answer.

i don't?

You tell me? why have you never lived amongst the minorities you so fervently support? I can't answer that, you being scared was just speculation, although i'm confident fear plays a factor for whatever reason it is.... just ask sir green thumb... you were going to meet up with him? no?

Oh so you now own the house and land you reside on/in? House and farm was the operative words, not greenhouse.
Wow, you don't even like to admit you are white. Look at this post, it's like you are ashamed to be associated with your own race.

Try this question instead of being a bigoted ass, when will poor people catch up? If racists like you keep making it about race, the answer is never.

i'm all caught up already.

like i said, less likely to be pulled over and searched or arrested, more likely to get a lighter sentence for the same crime, more likely to get the job and then be promoted, even more likely to get a better customer service outcome. let's not mention that the zimmermans of the world aren;t really all that concerned about me either, so i have that going for me.

i'm sorry that you are too much of a pussy to even acknowledge the racial divide that splintered this country for so long.
are you saying that the effects of the types of discrimination that occurred within many people's lifetimes happens in a vacuum, and the the ripple effects don't have any impact on future generations at all?

or are you just all butt hurt again?

I'm saying the below is bullshit and a pathetic attempt by a hypocrite to race hustle... I suppose you guys are all wondering around in a daze with plenty of free time since Zimmerman was found not guilty.

that great grandchild you say has no right to resent anything might have had a much better chance at success had grandpa been able to pass down an inheritance if only his loan application was not denied due to his skin color.

He doesn't have a RIGHT to resent a thing. But I suppose dragging things out for 50 years is right up your alley!