Well-Known Member
Tis true. Some of those people in their 80's and 90's now see the error of their ways, some don't.
I don't have a problem with a 90 year old black man hating me because of the color of my skin, he's earned that with what he endured. I resent his great grand child hating me for the same reason. I resent fuckheads no matter what color they are telling that great grand child that he can't succeed because whitey is keeping him down. I resent the fact that fuckheads still think that Billybob's redneck bar-b-Que could post a sign saying no darkies and have a thriving business.
What you say that went on 50 years ago was true 50 years ago. Try to catch up.
it's not confined to 90 year olds, that's your weak attempt at marginalizing our history.
that person who was denied a loan for a legitimate business due to institutional racism knows that the ripples aren't confined to some magic vacuum.
you can't hamstring someone at the starting line, get halfway down the field, and ask them why they are so slow to catch up now that they're not being hamstrung.
that great grandchild you say has no right to resent anything might have had a much better chance at success had grandpa been able to pass down an inheritance if only his loan application was not denied due to his skin color.
but that's just your privilege blinding you.