3 Black Kids..

It isn't enough, there must also be equal opportunities. You may think you are for equal opportunities, but you are actually opposed to opportunities in general. So inequality stays, and guess who stays at the bottom.

Chairman of a board don't give a shit about your skin color if you're increasing profits and adding value to a company. If you aren't adding or producing in our system you deserve to be there. It isn't hard. Let's sit at the bottom and cry about Lockness working his ass off in the sun building bridges above moving traffic when it's 110 degrees outside. Life's so hard for Lockness who served 4 years in the military. Do i get a better interest rate from my VA loan because I served? Yup, I earned it. I promise if you are black you can get it too. The system isn't perfect but it's functioning. Stay at the bottom and keep feeling sorry for yourself while Mexicans come over with nothing and work hard (most..), live 8 to a house for a better life. Waa-waaa, life's so hard because my great great was a slave 100 years ago. I really don't give a shit, go out there and fucking earn it.
Watch my trained killer whale, Shamu, eat this white girl in one gulp...


I am tired of this discussion. Do carry on though.
i dont know. I'd love to jump on the racsim bandwagon. but snitches get stiches. Rat is lucky he learned it early.
on the other hand. I didnt listen to the raw tape. Were they hurling racial slurs. did they call him a creepy ass cracker?

I pray you don't have children...or, grow up before you do.
Chairman of a board don't give a shit about your skin color if you're increasing profits and adding value to a company. If you aren't adding or producing in our system you deserve to be there. It isn't hard. Let's sit at the bottom and cry about Lockness working his ass off in the sun building bridges above moving traffic when it's 110 degrees outside. Life's so hard for Lockness who served 4 years in the military. Do i get a better interest rate from my VA loan because I served? Yup, I earned it. I promise if you are black you can get it too. The system isn't perfect but it's functioning. Stay at the bottom and keep feeling sorry for yourself while Mexicans come over with nothing and work hard (most..), live 8 to a house for a better life. Waa-waaa, life's so hard because my great great was a slave 100 years ago. I really don't give a shit, go out there and fucking earn it.

Nothing you did in uniform made the world a better place, it just cost taxpayer money and created demand for even more such expense.
According to Obama, America is all about equal opportunity;

We are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else, because she is an American; she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of God but also in our own

Looks like Obama has proven buck wrong this time... imagine that...
Nothing you did in uniform made the world a better place, it just cost taxpayer money and created demand for even more such expense.

Your costing taxpayers right NOW... If you actually believed in your bullshit you'd man up and say "no thanks uncle sam, blood money don't spend well"
For college, how about some sort of affirmative action type program based solely on socio-economic status and intellectual ability? So, you have a poor kid, of whatever color, with potential and he/she gets admitted to college with a scholarship to pay costs.

Of course, as you know, one can do a tour in the military and get the GI Bill... In a lot of ways, I think the GI Bill is the best way, it is something you earn.

why don't black people just listen to white people?

i mean, you seem to have it all figured out. black people hate education, speaking properly, need to join the miltary, and have no right to resent what has happened to their families in the past.

if black people just listened to racist whites like you more often, they would never go wrong.
This is retarded. ....most of u are talking out ur ass n have no idea what ur saying....just sayin....u know who u are.
According to Obama, America is all about equal opportunity;

Looks like Obama has proven buck wrong this time... imagine that...

so that black person born to bleak poverty won't have a greater chance of being pulled over and arrested, or any number of other things that whites get to take for granted?
Or I could use it in a poorer country that has felt the effects of imperialism. I like that it bothers you.

Didn't take you long knew I could get the LA RAZA outta you... What bothers me is hypocrites like you that mooch of everyone else's hard work while talking some bullshit about how they defied an empire you pompous ass...
so that black person born to bleak poverty won't have a greater chance of being pulled over and arrested, or any number of other things that whites get to take for granted?

I'm on your side on this one. We need to treat people based on actions, not the color of their skin. It wouldn't take much to figure out which cops are targeting minorities and getting rid of them. We also need to admit that the person born to bleak poverty is more likely to commit crimes regardless of skin color. We need to stop calling stolen items in a school locker "found property" to skew statistics about skin color to present a fact that's not true.
so that black person born to bleak poverty won't have a greater chance of being pulled over and arrested, or any number of other things that whites get to take for granted?

According to Obama, nope, that's not the case in the United States under his presidency...

Here it is again, from his inaugural address, second term.

We are true to our creed when a little girl born into the bleakest poverty knows that she has the same chance to succeed as anybody else, because she is an American; she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of God but also in our own

You heard him... Because she's an American!