3 Black Kids..

Usually your insults have a morsel of substance.

You must be butt hurt again.

Serious question? I've got a feeling that's why you resent your service and belittle everyone else for theirs... You can say airborne infantry all you want but it's not hard to earn a set of jump wings...
you accusing others of racial resentment is ironic, especially in a post I was agreeing with you.

Thinking that anyone here said anything about skewing, or even ignoring any statistic and suggesting that this has anything to do with what anyone here is saying does belie your prejudice.

skew statistics about skin color to present a fact that's not true.

You are ignoring that socioeconomic inequality is at the heart of racial problems. You are actually suggesting melanin as the heart of the problem and calling him racist for ignoring this.
Thinking that anyone here said anything about skewing, or even ignoring any statistic and suggesting that this has anything to do with what anyone here is saying does belie your prejudice.

You are ignoring that socioeconomic inequality is at the heart of racial problems. You are actually suggesting melanin as the heart of the problem and calling him racist for ignoring this.

That was a slap at Buck's Zimmerman only killed out of racial hate bs. Trayvon was caught with stolen goods in his locker but the school district re-categorized the goods as "found" because they didn't like the way their crime stats were shaping up by color. They've admitted this, it's your liberal racism and PC at work, not mine.

Buck knew what I was referring to, you on the other hand just keep trying and coming up short.
you accusing others of racial resentment is ironic, especially in a post I was agreeing with you.

yeah, smearing a dead black kid who got killed for looking black to the wrong person at the wrong time is totally not a signal of your racial resentment.
yeah, smearing a dead black kid who got killed for looking black to the wrong person at the wrong time is totally not a signal of your racial resentment.

see AC? Buck caught it and did his usual. Me pointing out racial stats were skewed out of PC lust means I have racial resentment to him instead of me trying to have an open and honest conversation. Neat trick isn't it. Imagine if I talked about graduation stats of the Detroit Public School system compare to the Detroit Charter schools. I know both sets of kids are the same color, but presenting facts about the inferiority of DPS means RACIST!!
That was a slap at Buck's Zimmerman only killed out of racial hate bs. Trayvon was caught with stolen goods in his locker

first of all, did zimm know about that? NOPE. only thing zimm knew was that a black kid was walking home.

secondly, how do you know they were stolen? how do you know he didn't trade some of his weed for those rings?

i guess you just assume they were stolen because martin is black. but you're not racist.
yeah, smearing a dead black kid who got killed for looking black to the wrong person at the wrong time is totally not a signal of your racial resentment.

No try again Mr. Sharpton you know that's complete and utter bullshit... Just like "if I had a son"... Give me a break...
see AC? Buck caught it and did his usual. Me pointing out racial stats were skewed out of PC lust means I have racial resentment to him instead of me trying to have an open and honest conversation. Neat trick isn't it.

again, why do you assume the rings were stolen? martin was making plenty of money dealing weed. could have been a trade or a purchase.

but again, you just ASSUME that the rings were stolen because martin is black.

just like your hero zimmy assumed martin was up to no good because he was black.*

assumptions based on race like that can land you in trouble.
All that I know is that most black friends of mine have at one time in their lives have been harassed by white people, mostly cops. It has been and will always be a fact of everyday life in the US for a black man or woman, seeing how many illiterate and racist people there are in this country. It's sad to think that sometimes we appear to be moving backwards, seeing that the Voter Rights Act was has recently been tossed out the window. Blacks have been scapegoated ever since they were set free by Lincoln, and anybody that can't see that is stone blind.
first of all, did zimm know about that? NOPE. only thing zimm knew was that a black kid was walking home.

secondly, how do you know they were stolen? how do you know he didn't trade some of his weed for those rings?

i guess you just assume they were stolen because martin is black. but you're not racist.

I wasn't in possession of jewellery like that at his age, were you? No part time job pays that much especially in the US and even if it did what teenager then goes out to spend that kinda money on bling?

Bartering for weed for bling? sure nice try...
oh, look. echelon is angry again.

All that I know is that most black friends of mine have at one time in their lives have been harassed by white people, mostly cops. It has been and will always be a fact of everyday life in the US for a black man or woman, seeing how many illiterate and racist people there are in this country. It's sad to think that sometimes we appear to be moving backwards, seeing that the Voter Rights Act was has recently been tossed out the window. Blacks have been scapegoated ever since they were set free by Lincoln, and anybody that can't see that is stone blind.

Disagree with bold.
first of all, did zimm know about that? NOPE. only thing zimm knew was that a black kid was walking home.

secondly, how do you know they were stolen? how do you know he didn't trade some of his weed for those rings?

i guess you just assume they were stolen because martin is black. but you're not racist.

There are several glaring errors here, Buck.

1. Z did not know that Trayvon was black when he called the cops. The recorded conversation verifies this, "...He looks black".
2. Z did not know Trayvon was walking home. In fact, he thought Trayvon was a burglar casing homes.
3. The jewelry was stolen, that is not much in dispute. Trayvon might conceivably have bought them from somebody else and not burgled them himself, so I will give you half credit here.

I guess you just assume Trayvon is a, "poor child murdered for skittling while black" despite the over whelming evidence otherwise. But you're not a mudscuttle.
I wasn't in possession of jewellery like that at his age, were you? No part time job pays that much especially in the US and even if it did what teenager then goes out to spend that kinda money on bling?

Bartering for weed for bling? sure nice try...

at that age, i always had a couple ounces of chronic ($350 an ounce back then) and a half pound to a pound of schwag ($600/pound) as i was also a dealer. i took barters back then too. cigarettes, mushrooms, beer, auto work, computers, whatever was worth it.

sorry that your racist assumptions don't meet with reality.
first of all, did zimm know about that? NOPE. only thing zimm knew was that a black kid was walking home.

secondly, how do you know they were stolen? how do you know he didn't trade some of his weed for those rings?

i guess you just assume they were stolen because martin is black. but you're not racist.

Did Zim know that? of course not.

How do I know they were stolen? the school board rep said so and admitted as to why it was classified the way it was, why do you hate the truth?

Again, not my assumption, it was an admittance from a school rep.

You have me confused with the zimmerman apologists. I said all along that two people made poor decisions that night but only one was an adult and should have been held accountable. Unfortunately, you race pimps distorted the truth so far it became a joke of a trial. It was never murder, it was always negligence and if we had argued from the truth instead of the fictional racist bs, zim would most likely be doing time. At the very least, we wouldn't be having Trayvon being "the same thing" as Emmet Till. That's such a disservice and diminishing statement to what happened to the young Emmett Till and she gets away with saying it and the racists jump on the bandwagon to agree. You race pimps suck the high hard one.