New Member
i know you are obsessed with me, as evidenced by the fact that you spend all day reading every post i have ever made, so it should be no problem for you to find one, just one single quote where i say white people should be ashamed of their skin color.
i'll wait for you.
oh, look. echelon1gay1 is butt hurt again.
You infer it all day you with all the backward, bigoted bullshit you come up with... The sad thing is, you actually believe the garbage you smear on our screens everyday.
Have you ever done charity work in minority neighbourhoods or gone and run your mouth in a project without the comfort and anonymity the interwebz provides?
Do you lecture your inlaws on their white privilege? You seem happy to profit of that privilege but don't have the balls to stand up to it in your own family... Hypocrite
Do you tell your wife she should give away HER money because SHE made it with the help of her white privilege?... Nope didn't think so either...
You keep enjoying your white privilege over there in Oregon with all the other hipster douchebags...