3 days of dark before harvest does it work?

They have done many studies. And I do remembering reading the study some years ago. And extended dark period and THC measurements were included in it.
I am not promoting pro or con. Really dont give a shit. But studies have been done. The 72 hours though is not a number I remember being directly said in any of the studies. That part is most likely just a random number someone tossed out there.
According to the attitude seedbank & I assume the breeders cause thats where they get their seeds from, the white widow strain should be flowered 10wks but the last 2wks it should be kept in the dark (or at most 8hrs lights on) in order to get all those crystals its famous for. There could be some benefit in leaving them in the dark for a few day or reducing the amount of light...at least it saves on electric lol