3 month old plant, 2 month 12/12, slow bud forming


Well-Known Member
or...you could keep trying with these...either keep flowering them, or >>> or...you could trim them down as small as possible to still have fan leaves, and leave some bud sites and just put them back in veg and try again...but for now I guess just close up that room when the lights are off and see if you see any light...
Revegging them would be slow, and probably a waste of time, but you never really know...sometimes the plant is fine, but we mess it up along the way..I have one strain that I still haven't given up on after 3 years...lol. I can't help but feel it looking poorly is my fault and not hers..lol. And it is probably both...but I am not done with her yet..I am just getting my stride with her..some strains make you feel like an expert your first time...and other strains make you feel like you have never grown anything in your life properly and are a failure...I like to grow the 2 types together...gives me a nice balance of wisdom and confidence, but also keeps me in check and keeps my confidence from getting away from me...nothing to bring you back down to earth like a hard to grow strain..lol. So do an easy and do a hard at the same time...you can feel good about yourself without getting a big head about the whole thing...lol. I started with the tough one, and after 2 years of sick and ailing plants cycle after cycle, just when I was ready to call it quits --- which really i wasn't doing too bad if 1 fem seed lasted me 2 years---I decided to try to find a strain that is described as easy to grow, as opposed to killer smoke...not that the 2 can't coincide...but the hard strain I picked because the description was all about how great the smoke was and what not...anyway I looked and picked a strain that mainly talked about how easy to grow it was...and I ordered some along those lines...and now I have easy plants and hard plants all living in harmony...because it turns out the hard strain just wanted to be left alone..left to languish dry and rootbound in the back of the tent...it loves it...and turns out it doesn't like nitrogen at all...ever...if you give it any at all then the leaves claw and the new growth turns neon green...but it does grow a little faster...but I would rather it grow slow with nice looking straight leaves...it has very pretty leaves if you can leave them straight...jesus christ I am just rambling on and on..sorry...
lol, yeah a bit of a ramble, but I think I know what you were trying to say. I really am leaning towards buying a tent and another 600w hps, so I can grow the NLs without having to worry about space. I'm not too concerned with the money side of things, I'm not rich, but I waste money on worse things (one night out on the bar is more than 1 month of electricity and nutes, time is another thing but I work from home, so fuck it).

When you say you got an easy strain after some research, I can help but be curious what you came up with, mind cluing me in? ;)


Well-Known Member
Also, anyone here know what size tent would be good for 2 600w hps? I'm probably gonna buy some cool tube reflectors, cause it gets pretty hot in this bitch during the summer, may be an issue without cool tubes, but, idk.


Well-Known Member
a 600w gives good light for a 3.5x3.5 area. some people stretch that but light loses it effectiveness quick


Active Member
you my good sir have a long flowering SATIVA... you might be looking at 110+ days of 12/12 ... enjoy
This is what I thought when I first saw your pics. Flower that lady until she's finished and she'll reward ya! In the meantime grow some indica and maybe it'll finish before her...


Weed Modifier
I do want him to try.. I just don't want him wasting time. Time+electricity+nutes= $$$. Maybe he should try and keep them going a bit longer and if no change move on.. I would be getting my back up plan going asap

wasting time??? learning how to grow.

it will be up to him to decide if its worth it...but if you don't go through the experience, and see it personally....how do you learn from it?

brewing up

Well-Known Member
you need a flow of fresh air through the leaves, they look to me like too much heat / stuffyness and too much water might be the problem or nute block as 1 is looking a little light coloured