3 species of weed? Idica, Sativa, ???RUDERALIS???


Well-Known Member
I keep hearing about another type of weed besides sativa/indica and its called ruderalis. ive tried to research it but have had no luck. if anyone has any legit,real info on this plant please post. Very interested in it. Wheres it grow? Hows the high? I MUST HAVE ANSWERS!!!


Well-Known Member
uh der, its the autoflowering family member with normally really low potency and small harvest. its been crossed with all of our favorite strains to make different types of autoflowering/dank hybrids. i mean, you couldnt have searched very hard info is everywhere. google/rollitup/yahoo/even wikipedia man


Well-Known Member
its an autoflowering non potent strain as mentioned a bove is used un the hybridisation of the autos available today ie lr2 santa maria x ruderalis
If people are going to respond with "Just go elsewhere and do your own research" to questions asked here, however basic they may be, what is the point of those people even being on this site?


Well-Known Member
If people are going to respond with "Just go elsewhere and do your own research" to questions asked here, however basic they may be, what is the point of those people even being on this site?

bc with the power of google and wiki, he will get instant info of a more factual nature than the bullshit answers most people on this site pull out of their asses. on RIU 1 person will say one thing in a post and then someone will post next giving a completely different answer. besides if he is "Very interested in it. Wheres it grow? Hows the high? I MUST HAVE ANSWERS!!! "

there are better places to find that knowledge quickly.

he could have used the search button at the top of the page as well.

it boils down to laziness IMO.


Active Member
You guys are kinda being douche bags about this. Dude just wanted to know. This is a forum to ask questions about weed isn't it. If you don't like answering legitimate questions what are you doing here? Do you just log on to try to make people feel dumb or is it because no one respects you in the real world so you have to create this super cool grower persona?


Active Member
yeh but seriously,hes like oh ive researched and cant find a thing about it,bullshit

Google,nuff said

Some people just seem to want to grow,but dont research ANYTHING and come straight on this forum asking really,really,really dim question that if they were bothered to,they could find in 2 seconds

i only joined this site after my first grow,i had done all my reading and research,rather than someone blurting all the answers at me,i made my own decisions on care and watering etc,THEN i decided to join this wonderful community,to join in holy matrimony with my fellow ganja smokers,and EXCHANGE info as much as possible,im no pro,not by a long shot,but i try to help and advise whenever and wherever i can

people just get annoyed with other people who havent bothered to type 2 words into google.....and do a bit of damned reading

no offense to anyone,but.........


Active Member
It is true that he could have researched things better. I did not mean to be an ass hole. You never know this dude might breed the next big strain one day. I just see a lot of newbie's getting shot down asking what more experienced growers would consider dumb questions. After they get shot down a few times they leave the forum because it is full as ass holes or they melt down and turn in to trolls.


Well-Known Member
Okay, here's my 2 cents worth.

The problem, really, isn't about asking "Lame Ass" questions. After all, isn't that what the "Noobie" forum is for? As I see it, the problem is the blatant lack of "self awareness" that allows this kind of "Kindergarten question" to be asked in what is (at least) a Middle-school or High school, level, "classroom".

I'm not trying to put anybody down, but my point is that RIU's "Collective Wisdom" stays "dumbed down" because this, "General" forum is overgrown with "Noobie" questions. Nobody wants a sign on thier back, labeling them as a noob, so they ask thier dumb-ass questions in the "wrong place". I mean COME ON, is it just me or does anyone else feel that the "General Growing" forum should be for "Mainstream" or "Intermediate" growers (those with "some" knowledge and experience - niether noobies nor experts).

If you don't think the "Collective Wisdom" is dumbed down, just go to the "Advanced Techniques" forum and see the threads about cloning and topping (threads that, IMHO, should be in the "General Growing" forum). Cloning and topping as "Advanced Techniques"? Really, I don't think so! Shouldn't "Advanced Techniques" be ,sort of, "Cutting Edge" - a bit "on the exotic side"? Somewhere where an experienced grower can turn to learn about the "Next Level", to truely become an expert?

Like I said earlier, I don't mean to come off like an asshole but we already have a Noobie forum, isn't there some way to restrict the most "basic" questions there (I use the term basic out of respect for those I might otherwise call "Dumb Ass")?

Again, at the risk of sounding "High and Mighty", where can some of the more knowledgeable growers go to find "stimulating conversation"?


Active Member
your girlfriend/wife

just kidding (stimulating conversation) , not shure honestly but i would have to agree that the mods should clean house a bit. and questions like these only further to stimulate the lazy stonner image. heres a story for considerations: when i was in highschool (10th or 11th grade maby?) our history teacher had given the class a OPEN BOOK TEST (basicly gauranting a good grade) 80% of the class failed out of pure lazyness. same concept you have google (an open book of knowledge) and yet you chose not to use it.


Well-Known Member
Wow fuck off.. this whole thread turned into trolling over my "suspected" laziness. I went and figured it all out on my own. Ty to the people that did however have some helpful input.


Well-Known Member
Lol fuck off you POS you were prolly off posting dumb noob questions at some point as well.. everyone is a noob at one point thats how you learn you ignorant peice of crusty ass shit.