3 week old seedling has stopped growing. HELP!!!


New Member
It is 3 weeks and I pulled just yanked it. Looked like shit, the roots didn't look great either. gonna start fresh. I thought I had ok lighting, guess not. Any advice for my next grow would really be appreciated. Small grow tent- secret jardin dr40 in a closet.
View attachment 2393250...here's my set up...before I got started I watched a lot of you tube looking at ppls successful grows w cfls and I copied their shit....use at least 4 23watt cfls per plant...more is better but this will get u by


New Member
So you have your set up just in a closet? No grow tent?
dont you need the reflective shit on your walls?
Bright white paint is the best reflector....I don't put too much into reflection tho...I just overload the box with bulbs so direct light is hitting all areas of the plants...cfls are only effective at a couple inches away anyway...so how effective u think their reflection is???....surround the plant w cfls....literally.....here's a little set up w just plain wood n the plants do fine in there...20121024_093042.jpg....im sure reflective stuff doesn't hurt...it may even help some...but if u just coat the plants w lights ur good


Well-Known Member
Do you not have a fan or intake or anything like that?
If you can provide c02 and can keep your grow space temps at a good level then closed environment agriculture imo is a better way to go then in and out vents.

And thatboy is right, a nice white paint will bounce the light just as good if not better then mylar. If i remember correctly go for a flat white not glossy, not sure why cant remember its been so long but then again its up to you.
The pic u set me looks like a great setup for me. That can't be too costly. Can't u even but those lights at like Home Depot ?


Well-Known Member
Well if you dont have much money to spend on supplies, then for 2 plants I would suggest:

at least 3 cfl's per plant

Miracle grow soil organic kind, or the reg but if you can get organic go for that, and yes I know I recommended MG soil depite the rumors and bad feedback it actually is a good soil to use if you can spend the money for the more expensive bags. On top of that it has enough food in it for its entire cycle pretty much.

PH tester!!!!! and PH up and down!!! You could use baking soda and white distilled vinegar to adjust the PH if your strapped for cash.

Do it that way and it will be a learning experience without spending too much cash. While you work on those you can do more research get more knowledge under your belt for your next grow :)
Well I'm not that strapped for cash, I have a ph tester and know ph up. The cfls you are recommending, what should the wattage be of each one and the lumens?do the bulbs need their own reflectors or just hang em real close to to the plants?
again, thanks so much. Obviuosly when and if I go into flowering, I'll need a better bulb right? And Haha do u recommend 18/6 or 24 light?


Well-Known Member
Well I like 18/6 because i like to sleep like all living things do. Ya know theres regular CFL's then ones specialized for growing.

Take a peek here ive used these before and they work well


You want them as close to the plants as possible, like 2 inches away. As long as it dont burn the plant (which it wont). Theres grow and flowering bulbs you will notice, in flowering and veg i know ppl like to use both to get the full spectrum. Like thatboy shows in his picture on the last page.


Well-Known Member
More light would help, but your "problem" is self-inflicted and not really a problem.

You put a new seedling directly into what looks like a 55-gallon drum of dirt. A little biology will help here --
When first getting into dirt seedlings expend almost all their energy putting down a root system to support
and feed the plant. Until the roots grow to reach the pot walls it won't grow much above ground. That's why
most of us first put a new seedling into a solo cup or other small container. Starting in a small 12 oz. cup it
doesn't take long for the roots to find the cup. That is the signal to the plant to transfer a lot of it's energy
from producing roots to growing greenery. If you had put your seedling into a solo cup first it would be 7-10
inches with 4 or 5 nodes by now. When my solo cup seedlings get 2-3 times taller than their cup I transplant
them to their final larger pot.

I'm convinced that putting new seedlings directly into their final container is inefficient time-wise. It takes 3-4 weeks
for a new gal to root into a 3-5 gallon pot. That is a lot more roots that the plant will need in it's entire lifetime. I
believe that by now your plant is like an iceberg with 90% of the action below ground.

Try the extra TP next time unless you enjoy watching roots grow.
Good luck, BigSteve.


New Member
Well I'm not that strapped for cash, I have a ph tester and know ph up. The cfls you are recommending, what should the wattage be of each one and the lumens?do the bulbs need their own reflectors or just hang em real close to to the plants?
again, thanks so much. Obviuosly when and if I go into flowering, I'll need a better bulb right? And Haha do u recommend 18/6 or 24 light?
For ur lighting just look at other ppls grow setup n see what's working for them....then copy