3 weeks 12/12 running out of room


Active Member
Im 3 weeks into flower and ive got about another inch i can move the lights up, i could turn the lights on there side but that would probs give me 2-3inchs so not really worth time and effort,,

I was thinking about tie-ing it down but im not clued up on it so would need some tips/advice,, or are there any other ways?

thanks for the help in advance

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
have you read anything about LST?

put some holes in the top of the pot if you can. about 1 or 2 inches up from the top of the soil tie the base of the plant to the pot without bending it back. dont wrap around the stem over and over, just make a U shape around the stem so it can still grow bigger without the string restricting it. this will be a counter weight. then on the opposite side of the plant about 2/3 rds. up from the bottom, tie a string around the plant and slowly pull it over. try and get it horizontal if you can without breaking the stem. tie the string to the pot or the floor or wall down low. if you cant go all the way horizontal, then go half way then wait 3 days or so and then pull the top down more. after a few days of being tied over, you will start to see some nice growth along that horizontal top and the lower bud sites. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Dude, do whatever you can to move them out of the way and lower from the light. Its really not rocket science to tie some branches down a bit. Do like smoke and coke is saying and some reading and you should make out fine. You are about at the end of the growth spurt anyways.


Active Member
Well ive had a closer inspection and if i to construct somthing so the lights can go horizontal that would create 5-6 inches and if your saying its at the end of the growth spurt then that would work out rather well, I dont want to tie the plant down i just dont like the idea ive read that its harmless and its works well ect but im a bit intmidated by it i spose, dont want to snap it or anything, I dont no as of yet how or what im goin to build so the lights go horizontal, going to have to have a browse around and get a few ideas,,


Well-Known Member
Well ive had a closer inspection and if i to construct somthing so the lights can go horizontal that would create 5-6 inches and if your saying its at the end of the growth spurt then that would work out rather well, I dont want to tie the plant down i just dont like the idea ive read that its harmless and its works well ect but im a bit intmidated by it i spose, dont want to snap it or anything, I dont no as of yet how or what im goin to build so the lights go horizontal, going to have to have a browse around and get a few ideas,,
As long as you've had a fan on her and she's got a decent stem...she can take some bondage. You are just trying to gain 3 or 4 inches...try it lightly and use a rope thick enough to tie her without cutting her...like 1/4" rope cord. You don't want it too thick of course but a good 1/4" is ideal imo.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
no need to be afraid of a little tieing over. the plants can handle it and its really not that easy to break the stem. you can feel the resistance as you pull it down. but do whatever you have to do, but in my opinion once you start tieing your plants and see the increase in growth you will tie all your plants every grow.
i have always tied mine over but its usually around 4 weeks into flower. i have some clones in veg. and started LST on them at around 7 inches tall. and they are getting really bushy and stay lower.


Active Member
Yer i dont wanna burn my plant shes starting to crown in a few places but i am using cfls so its not at that point yet, ive only recently put a small fan in (about a week) it goes on in intervals so the stems probably aint as strong as they should be, ive had a lil go at pulling her to one side and you can feel the resistence, Wheres the best place to start the tieing down,, Bottom of the stem or middle or top, i would of said bottom/middle or am i wrong???

Are there any benefits to tieing down other than more space?


Well-Known Member
Yer i dont wanna burn my plant shes starting to crown in a few places but i am using cfls so its not at that point yet, ive only recently put a small fan in (about a week) it goes on in intervals so the stems probably aint as strong as they should be, ive had a lil go at pulling her to one side and you can feel the resistence, Wheres the best place to start the tieing down,, Bottom of the stem or middle or top, i would of said bottom/middle or am i wrong???

Are there any benefits to tieing down other than more space?
I have a fan on attached to the same timer as the lights from the end of week 1 until harvest.

LST (tying) will help cfl growers like us very much. It allows a bushier plant which is easier to light well as your lights would hit more leafage and be closer to them. Proximatey of lights with cfls is crucial. Plus you will have more bud growth.


Well-Known Member
Yer i dont wanna burn my plant shes starting to crown in a few places but i am using cfls so its not at that point yet, ive only recently put a small fan in (about a week) it goes on in intervals so the stems probably aint as strong as they should be, ive had a lil go at pulling her to one side and you can feel the resistence, Wheres the best place to start the tieing down,, Bottom of the stem or middle or top, i would of said bottom/middle or am i wrong???

Are there any benefits to tieing down other than more space?
yes definetly with CFL's it allows more light in about the bottom buds that would normally be airy and not properly formed.bongsmilie


Active Member
hmmm i think i shall read into this now im starting to like it, but 1 thing i dont like is the look of a tied down plant lol i like to see how tall it gets and let it be,, but because i havent got the space im gonna have to do it,


Well-Known Member
Yer i dont wanna burn my plant shes starting to crown in a few places but i am using cfls so its not at that point yet, ive only recently put a small fan in (about a week) it goes on in intervals so the stems probably aint as strong as they should be, ive had a lil go at pulling her to one side and you can feel the resistence, Wheres the best place to start the tieing down,, Bottom of the stem or middle or top, i would of said bottom/middle or am i wrong???

Are there any benefits to tieing down other than more space?
Tie down high enough that it'll bend easily. I'd say hi-mid. Tie down enough that it's a bit more than this angle "/" I do not hog tie her to the point of it being 90 degrees as I phear snappage...but some do. 45 degrees is about where i go to.


Well-Known Member
I want to see a picture of your plant and space if possible... I am also thinking of doing LST on mine after reading this thread:mrgreen:


Active Member
ill try sort a pic out,, my cams playing up i cant upload the new pics for some reason, basicly ive got a low budget set up and my 3 top cfls are attached to strings which i can lift up and down when needed and now there at the top,, but because the bulbs are long they take up like 5inches so if i made somthing to make them hang verticaly id gain 5inches,


Active Member
Hmmm just had a fort instead of bending the plant could you not jus lean the pot say 45 degrees, like build something for the pot so it lays securely at 45degrees,, would that work??

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Yes, you could, but the plant will just turn to grow back toward the light.
The advantage of the method I posted before is that you can keep training the plant, as it grows, to go where you want it to.
I know in general, upward growth will more or less cease in around the 4-5th week of flower, but I've seen a friends grow, quite recently, where his gorgeous indicas kept growing right up until the week before he cut them down, and his HPS was up against the (7ft) ceiling, from flowering at 18 inches tall!
Tilting the pot will buy you some time, but not necessarily enough time to finish the grow, is all I'm saying.