315W CFL grow


Well-Known Member
oh ok, i must have missed where you said they were in flower. My bad. they should almost be done with the stretch


Active Member
Hey, got your message about you thinking one of the girls could possibly be a herm. Post up some pics of the areas in question. Make sure to use macro setting if your camera has it so they'll be in better focus. And maybe a couple pics of the male to see how far along he is. Doubt I'll be over anytime in the few days because of the snow. Anyone got any thoughts on swc? It was a drunken idea and seems kinda like an ebb and flow could work a lot better.


Active Member
I have kept my male for breeding purposes and it is doing quite well, it grows aggressively and it has a nice sweet bud smell that smells even better than my females. The pollen sacks have formed and they actually look pretty fuckin cool. My question is, how much longer are they going to have to develop before I can snip the sacks and collect their pollen? They've been going two weeks in flowering. Pics:

I'm also afraid that one of my females is turning herm. I took pics, can you tell me if these are pollen sacks or growth?

My plants' are doing well in general though. They all look healthy, they don't seem to be nutrient deficient in anyway or annoyed with me. Here are some pics:



Active Member
I know the first one is a male, but the one in the last 4 pictures doesn't really look like it, and by this point the pollen sacks would be far more developed.


Well-Known Member
the first plants is male and the second looks like it was a male and i think i saw tiny pistils on the 8th pic


Active Member
I'd say go with the more experienced people here and call the second one a male as well. Now you've got to decide if you want to trash it or keep it also. hopefully the last one will be a definite female for life and will yield heavily for you.


Active Member
The plant became more obviously male, and I decided to cut my losses and toss it. I now have both of the 6in air stones in the female (it is showing pistils!!!) and all 3 of the 105W lightbulbs clustered on it. When I mean clustered, I mean the light fixtures (not the lightbulbs that would just be silly) are now touching getting as much of the light focused on the plant as possible. Still no shows from my coco box.


Well-Known Member
Are your lights movable? If not from one of the pics it looks like you are going to have some height issues in the next couple of weeks. If it is your first week of flower, or even 2nd, they have barely started entering their stretch... Also for pollen collection, you want to wait till the pods look like they are just about to burst. If you want observe a few of them go through the process of opening up. Then you can judge when you should snip the ones you want to save.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice, sir. No worries, all 3 lights are on separate chains so they can be adjusted. They've had to be adjusted a lot of times now.


Active Member
Glad to hear the last one is doing well still. You should be okay on height but it may end up kind of tight, and side lights are probably going to be necessary later if it stretches too much more. Any progress on the SOG thing you were getting started?


Active Member
Recently, I posted that I had put two airstones in the bottom of the pot of the female. Well just a couple of days ago and today I watered the plant a fuckton and it loved it. The airstones kept it oxygenated like it needs to be, but it could soak in so much more water it was ridiculous. As a result, the plant is huge now and spans the 3 cfls in the closet. Today, KZ came over to help me tie it down because it was getting a little too tall since its last tie down. Here are some pics of the female as well as the male I've been keeping as a breeder. The last picture in the batch is of the female again. Its already reached back up and has grown considerably in just a few hours. The first few pics are of the male I killed off. I'm planning on putting it in a compost and using it for future grows. Essentially growing weed IN weed.


Active Member
I didn't realize you could just attach the pics onto riu, and I'd rather not use photobucket so here are all of the old pics.


Well-Known Member
you are using airstones in a soil grow?? And if you pull the plant out too many times to look at the roots, you are gonna kill the plant... too much shock.