315W CFL grow


Active Member
Its been a few days since pics, time to do some. I have started seeding out one of the stems, the last picture is of one of the flowers I pollenated. Each one of the bud shots is of a different top. This isn't pictured, but I added 3 litres of water mixed with blackstrap unsulphured molasses by Plantation. I hope this will help with my flushing. For the past few days I've been giving the plant straight up water, but I'll be moving back to nutes soon.


Well-Known Member
Its been a few days since pics, time to do some. I have started seeding out one of the stems, the last picture is of one of the flowers I pollenated. Each one of the bud shots is of a different top. This isn't pictured, but I added 3 litres of water mixed with blackstrap unsulphured molasses by Plantation. I hope this will help with my flushing. For the past few days I've been giving the plant straight up water, but I'll be moving back to nutes soon.
Why are you flushing so early in the flowering cycle?


Active Member
I don't remember if he said it but maybe switching over to full flowering nutes now? I know some people like to flush in between veg and flower, not sure exactly why though. Adding molasses can't really hurt anything though so don't see the harm.


Active Member
I wanted to see if it could force some growth to the buds. The flowering girl is actually beefing up quite nicely and some of the little ones are doing well. I'm going to consolidate them all into the rubbermaid and cut out the blue cfls and put everything under the 1 68. If there are too many plants for the 68, I'll cull the crappy ones.


Active Member
Hey guys, its been a little since I've posted some bud shots. They're coming along nicely and the tops are starting to really beef up. The little ones are doing alright and I finally moved all of them under the 68W and culled the crappy ones. This means I get to cut 100W off of my power bill and shorten all the periods to 12/12. The ones in the tiny hydro tank are looking kinda sad, but still fairly healthy. The ones that were in the coco under the 68 originally are doing really well. Here are the pics:


Active Member
Looking good, seem to have a lot of variation between the sizes of your little ones. How big is the age difference between them? Has the big one stopped stretching yet?


Active Member
It has been a really long while since I've posted any pics or updated so here it goes. The big girl is still going crazy and beefing up quite nicely. She should be done within the next few weeks. I've had to cull some of the smaller ones due to burns and malnutrition and such. I decided to take the two that I had remaining in the hydro set up and put them in a soilless mix of perilite and coco with a small airstone at the bottom. I didn't really have any reason for doing this other than I didn't expect to really do much with the hydro and I wanted to see how they would fair comparatively. Rollitup is being a bitch right now and won't let me add more pics so I'll try and add them another time.



Well-Known Member
it looks like the plants are going through a phase where the light is leaking in or they get interupted in the night cycle


Well-Known Member
you can tell by the growth, it is very skinny but tall, the leafs are not normal they look like revegged leafs with 1 bladed leafs.

it could be somthing else but thats all that i know that causes that type of growth, it also looks like it is OD on N


Active Member
Mcpurple is most likely right. The grow box had too much light leaking in and an owner who was too busy with other crap to really take good care of them. I decided to kill em off and just start with other stuff later. I'm very close to harvest and the babies are looking really good, I apologize for the lack of pictures lately, I'll try and spice it up today with some new photos.


Active Member
Alright, I've been reallllyyy fuckin lazy, but the pull was pretty decent for my first grow. I totalled 2.33 Ozs after drying, and even the smaller buds were pretty big. Its not done curing and the taste is getting much better, the smoke is smooth and I really don't have much coughing at all. The high is very uplifting and quite nice compared to most of the stoney stuff around where I live. I pulled in roughly .2g/w with cfls which I'd say is a good job for my first grow. My next grow will not be for a little because I'm moving sooner than a plant would be done. All in all I'd rate the smoke at a B-, could be much better, but is still really good for bagseed, in fact I just took a bong rip of it and I'm really damn high. I'll try and get myself to post pictures.