32 year old seeds


Well-Known Member
Not to mention that 3% thc week being the best there was back then means that most of the stuff would be pretty useless for someone who wanted to smoke daily because the potency would be shit vs tolerance
so you believe that plants were 3% thc 30 years ago smh and 3% of what I mean what exactly is this a percentage of surely not total weight so i would guess the amount of thc present in the resin glands themselves so the other 97% were waxes and terpenes and such.

Hard to believe that one of if not the longest known cultivated plants has bypassed thousands of years of others selective <yes selective> breeding.

my what egos we have.


Well-Known Member
...I hear ya, I was smoking in the 70's too. But I sometimes think that we were younger then, and new to whatever "altering" substances we were taking in and that plays into it too.

These days, they say even the rare great stuff we would come across like the "Hawaiian Maui whatever" that was the cream of the crop back then only really pulls 12% or so THC.
That isn't even in the same ballpark with some of todays strains.

In all, I too believe now that todays pot is far superior to the pot of yesteryear both realistically and then proven on paper as well. They havent been working on genetics for the past 30 years or so to come up with inferior results.
There may have been some damn good strains that have come and gone but as a whole, its commonly said that todays pot is far stronger than it used to be in general

Now none of this means it wouldnt be cool as hell to be able to revive a few beans stashed away for decades and then risen once again. It would be a very interesting project indeed.
completely agree as a whole you are correct.

I just believe there where plenty high thc strains around back then but werent as accessible so now it may seem there is better weed but IMO that isn't as true a statement as the shit has been weeded out.


Well-Known Member
Some strains back in the day did get you ripped on just a couple of hits.
Blue Hawaiian, Kona Gold, Puna Budder, Elephant Stick, Thai Stick, Loose Thai and Chocolate
Thai, Maui Wowie, Panaama Red, Colombian Gold, Colombian Red, Laotian Devotion,
Fallbrook etc....then came true Skunk (not lesser Skunk#1).

If the OP has an idea what kind of strains he smoked back in the day then we might
have a better idea what the seeds might be?


Well-Known Member
Yeah for me it was random without a name we knew of.
Then columbian gold was prevelant then road kill skunk in the early 80$


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for still nothing showing yet and there was a lot of colombian around then and there were also a lot of weed without names I genuinely cannot say what the strain (or strains) could possibly be but given the right TLC then this experiment could turn out pretty well (i hope lol) anythings possible :joint:


Sector 5 Moderator
Anybody that says todays weed is better than the Colombian Gold of the 70's is just plain ignorant. I have yet to find anything near the smell, taste and never ending soaring high of CG.


Well-Known Member
Anybody that says todays weed is better than the Colombian Gold of the 70's is just plain ignorant. I have yet to find anything near the smell, taste and never ending soaring high of CG.
Agreed. Today's weed has nothing on the old school stuff. It's nice having nice big dense frosty nugs but the high just does not compare to any classic sativas and even some indica.


New Member
I tried sprouting some bag seeds and some seeds that I had from my last dirt grow. These seeds were from about 15 years ago and I had no luck. I tried them in batches of 20 with the 'throw them in the water' technique and not a single one germinated. It is possible that they froze and thawed many times over the 15 years. They were stored in plastic bags. I was surprised that not one out of the 60+ I tried did anything. They still looked good and didn't crush when they were squeezed. How do you store seed properly? Assuming you don't have a temp controlled hyperbolic chamber? Obviously zip lock bags don't work.


Well-Known Member
well folks Im back again its been a while but Ive managed to get one seed sprouted so cant complain she looks quite sturdy hope she makes it ( Im convincing myself its a female lol )



Well-Known Member
I have a film bottle that my uncle gave me. It is full of beans (100+) from the late 70's early 80's. I can hear his voice now "its that killer skunk, not this bullshit that i buy now-a-days"!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a film bottle that my uncle gave me. It is full of beans (100+) from the late 70's early 80's. I can hear his voice now "its that killer skunk, not this bullshit that i buy now-a-days"!!!
Bust those fuckers out.
We want some roadkill.
I remember those film containers
they were part of the uniform.

Like a tv tray for sorting seeds n sticks
Brings back happy memories.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Rollitup mobile app


Well-Known Member
my 6 year old seeds are in zip lock bags in Tupperware in the kitchen and I have really good luck with putting 10 to 20 seeds in a solo cup of soil and water them and separate after a week or two. works well for me.