3200 watts - too much for summer?


Well-Known Member
Think a 3,200 watt basement grow is too much to try for in zone 6? Probably be like 6,000 once you factor in the AC.

Think that's doable?


New Member
Think a 3,200 watt basement grow is too much to try for in zone 6? Probably be like 6,000 once you factor in the AC.

Think that's doable?
I don't think it will be that much. If you have 3200w in lighting and a HUGE a/c you still wouldn't be that high. Probably more like 4500w.
In all honestly, there is no doubt in my mind that certain Electric Companies will report high electric usage, regardless of whether you pay your bill or not. I don't care if you pay your bill on time, every time, 10 1000w HPS lights, Intake and Exhaust Fans, PC Fans, Hydro Systems, Bubbers, etc. is going to raise suspicion. Now, the question is whether or not YOUR specific Electric Company is interested in releasing that information to LEOs or the DEA. Some companies might not care, or just are not interested, while others most definitely are. Are you willing to take that chance? Maybe a new monitoring employee gets a little too excited and decides to rat you out. This game involves risks and rewards, and if you are truly growing for personal use then I doubt your are going to need more than 600-2000w. Now if you are looking to make a profit, you might want to look into outdoor growing or researching ways to use large amounts of electricity without raising suspicion. Another way to bypass the electricity issue is to generate your own electricity off the grid (hypothetically my preference). Now you tell me, what is your plan?


New Member
In all honestly, there is no doubt in my mind that certain Electric Companies will report high electric usage, regardless of whether you pay your bill or not. I don't care if you pay your bill on time, every time, 10 1000w HPS lights, Intake and Exhaust Fans, PC Fans, Hydro Systems, Bubbers, etc. is going to raise suspicion. Now, the question is whether or not YOUR specific Electric Company is interested in releasing that information to LEOs or the DEA. Some companies might not care, or just are not interested, while others most definitely are. Are you willing to take that chance? Maybe a new monitoring employee gets a little too excited and decides to rat you out. This game involves risks and rewards, and if you are truly growing for personal use then I doubt your are going to need more than 600-2000w. Now if you are looking to make a profit, you might want to look into outdoor growing or researching ways to use large amounts of electricity without raising suspicion. Another way to bypass the electricity issue is to generate your own electricity off the grid (hypothetically my preference). Now you tell me, what is your plan?
Yes, certain companies in illegal states. Not in states where it is legal. Do you think dispensaries in California send their lists of growers to the power company so that they can cross that guys name off the list if he's using to much power. You have no clue what you are talking about. I wouldn't recommend it in an illegal state but I also wouldn't see a problem running 3200w in an illegal state either if you knew how to take a few simple steps to mask consumption. Where the hell are you getting 10,000 watts from? Are we just making up numbers now? 4500w (roughly what the OP would need) can so easily be masked on a single family home I shouldn't even have to explain it to you.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I did an 8kw grow in a house. I pulled the fuses on everything except the grow. The bill was actually cheaper than it was with a family that lived there prior to us.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of an electric company calling the cops on someone for high power usage. I have heard of them going out to people's houses who have high electricity bill to do an inspection and see if someone else is stealing power from that house. In all the times I've heard of electric companies being involved in busts, it was always because the person was stealing power. Other than that is when the sheriff's dept. opens an investigation and asks the electric company for your power usage and compares it to other homes in the area.


Well-Known Member
I did an 8kw grow in a house. I pulled the fuses on everything except the grow. The bill was actually cheaper than it was with a family that lived there prior to us.
Yeah, winter it's great, summer is fucking terrible for pretty much everything. Even mushrooms are hard because you need A/C's which constantly bring in contams that you have to hepa back out. No wonder meth is so big down south :)