350-500gr @plant?


Well-Known Member
That's usually per sq. metre and in optimal conditions under 1000W lights. They look great but you only have some flouros so I doubt you will get that much. They look very pretty though. Good job.


Active Member
Sorry to crush your dreams bro, but that's gonna be per m2. If your growing outside, and the weather is beautifully perfect, then you might be able to reach 300-400. Also they will always post "optimum" results, if THEY grow it themselves they MIGHT be able to achieve theses results. Yield will ALWAYS be dependent on external factors, the plants genetics cannot reach this size if their owner plants them in a double cheeseburger. They are looking beautiful though, how long into flowering are they? Also how big is the tent/light?

Happy Growing



Active Member
They are only 18 days into flower , they are under 2/4 bulb t5 light fixtures with Flower bulbs , This a test for the whole grow to see how a t5 does I didnt think i would ever get that kind of yield with out 1000w bulbs But so far they are doing great and the power bill is low also


Well-Known Member
Good looks aside once the buds are dry is where you really begin to see what your lights did for them. Good luck and enjoy none the less my friend. +rep