Active Member
Update on the 5 week old plant. Turns out yesterday it was 39 days old. I had the days wrong on the first post. So now it's about 5 1/2 weeks old and still very small. 3 inches tall and has about 2 nodes and workin on a third. Started growing a bit quicker after I put in 2 new 6500k 26 watters. Also put one of those reflectors for your windshield to keep the sun and heat out..thats working well to reflect a lot of wasted light. I noticed the roots are starting to show a little on the bottom of the pot. I think it is a 5 gallon maybe bigger so I can't believe it's still that small with all that root growth. I have been ph'in the water and have a fan blowing in the closet. 173 watts - about 10,500 lumens. A mix of 6500k and 2700k. It has these little tiny hair things in between the nodes. They look just like a hair that would be on a budding plant that is first showing. Just one little hair poking out. I didn't know if that had any relation to sex but as small as she is, when I go and smell it, it smells real good. Smells like dank kinda..also I found a dead leaf that fell of and crushed it up and smelled it and it smelled amazing. I have never had a plant that smelled like this being so small and all. Any thoughts?? What should I do. Is it worth to keep growing or will it take a year going at this pace. I don't really have that much time either. I have about a month or 2 when I need to start wrapping it up in the closet..
again sorry bout the shit camera
again sorry bout the shit camera