
Active Member
Fantastic thread and grow DLOPEZ! Subbed and locked in for the next one. Can't wait to see the improvements in the next room and your journey on finding those great phenos!


Well-Known Member
I know its allot of work..you got it looking good,This is going to pay off for you big time.
I wish me and my crony were there to give you hand with it.We like to work anyway.
If your grow were a car what is going on right now would be like installing a blower on the engine.
If you think its bright now wait till you get the orca on the walls. floor and get some sort of curtain hung to contain the light in the growing area.
When i said a long time ago how it would be like adding another 1000 watt bulb to your grow,
Ive been growing a long time and every grow i run anymore always comes off without a hitch with great quality and production.Even out of non productive plants get decent production.
When i think i know it all something comes up and reminds me..Hey you arnt that damn smart yet.Your not that good yet and something happens and it gets better..when your at a point you think..i cant do any better than this..this is as good as it gets..NOPE..it just keeps getting better..keep absorbing more knowledge.
It has helped me allot to have three separate grow areas so im always doing side by side comparisons of the grow with constant ongoing tests from one section of the grow to the other.As small changes are made the results can be monitored easier to find out what is working and what does not work.I can find and implement what works faster than most can,
It takes most growers 12 months to grow at most 6 crops.In 12 months im growing 18 plus crops a year.
Today i start pulling and cleaning 36 plants. It may take us around 6 hours to have it processed.Tomorrow we will replant another 36.Turn over rate is fast.
It takes 56 days to turn over a crop and it is running on average of 7 to 14 days faster turn over than others who run the same strains.
In three weeks we have another 36 plants come off..then in two weeks another 24 plants.
I wish i could l show more of what is going on.But i am not a computer wiz and the thought of it kind of freaks me out to show my grow to much.


Well-Known Member
Sooooo im fuckin beat...

Done for now...

Enjoy... Max let me know wha think...

I love Orca film. Worth every penny.



Well-Known Member
Damn..im tired too.36 out. processed,36 in and rocking..two days.total..less than a day down time.Done day 55 In day 56.Querkles are crispy done and the rippers are nice and done.
SHIT IS LOOKING GREAT. It doesnt even look like the same room.What did you do run out of orca paper?I see a little that needs to go on the floor still.
Maybe you were tired and im a dick..maybe both..Oh well.The curtains look nice. did you put a weight on the bottom to hold them tight?I just leave mine loose and roll them up when im working around them and tie them up in a roll with the ratchet straps.Some cross members across the orca in the center of the hoods would make it a little smother and tighter and the frame more rigid.
It will be real easy to clean with bleach soap and water. The shit is real durable and will last a long time..like years.Can you get those hoods tighter to the canopy?I seen a fan in the way would there be a way of moving the fan some place else and dropping the hoods closer?The closer you get the orca's surface to one another the more bright and intense the light will be.Especially with the orca under the plants it will be fucking amazing bright.The plants love it to keep stretch down and increase bud sights nodal spacing.
Are you running fewer plants i only see two bulbs on right now?Or you just have the rest loaded yet?
Have you juiced them with the Bud Blood yet?


Well-Known Member
Fucking amazing..it looks like a operating room in there now.You could cut a heart out and put it back in..its so clean and bright.Puts any other product to complete shame.Throw that mylar shit away with the panda film.It grabs the light and spreads it across the wall.Who ever invented it HUGE Kudos to them.
Like you said..worth every penny.Its like adding another lamp without adding to the electric bill.It pays for itself straight away.
People bitch about the cost of it.All i can say is wow when they do.Its like trading hundred dollar bills once for thousand dollar bills for years.


Well-Known Member
5 days later.. This film is the shit.. I ran out. I had cancellex the otder of the 6 rolls. And pdered one 100ft roll. Max i ran out. It covered alot. I would say 75 % of the room. Pkus the curtains, Plus the Hoods. Super though material. Cant wait to finish. Can see the difference. Node spacing has tighented even on the Quantum Kush. Anyways here are som pics. Veg is boring.
