3RD grow white widow


Well-Known Member
yep its white widow and them plants in the pics above have been grown under floras upto this stage now into 400w hps(high pressure sodium)
just hopeing they bud better and thicker under this light


Well-Known Member
damn they loook very nice man GREAT JOB... yo did u have any Bug problems during the Grow? cause i see u useing soil.,,,


Well-Known Member
i`m hoping for a good harvest

no bug problems so far just a few tiny flys that keep buzzing about

i just been out and bought a mint plant (herb) which i am going to grow in the same area to try and mask the smell which might get a tad strong using the 400w hps

we will see


Well-Known Member
the only thing i'd say is get more light, that tall plant you have looks extremely elongated


Well-Known Member
the only thing i'd say is get more light, that tall plant you have looks extremely elongated

More light fooking hell last night i jumped from 14,000 lumens upto 55,000 lumens thats 200w of flora light to 400w of High Pressure Sodium light my lekky bill is gunna double
i will be staying at what i have for the moment
but cheers anyway lol


Well-Known Member
i`m hoping for a good harvest

no bug problems so far just a few tiny flys that keep buzzing about

i just been out and bought a mint plant (herb) which i am going to grow in the same area to try and mask the smell which might get a tad strong using the 400w hps

we will see
get da spearmint i got one easy to grow and stay alive u can eat da leaves 2.dont know if its gonna do anything wit da smeell if u break off sum leaves maybey


Well-Known Member
al see how these ones do first lol
repotted some clones last night thats about it for now


Well-Known Member
ive had a quick look on the FAQ but cant really find much info on the distance a 400w HPS light needs to be away from the plants can someone please avise me.


Active Member
do the hand job hahahahahahaha, sounds pervy Lol, put your hand just over the plants and place the bulb above at a comfy distance for you, in other words if it doesnt burn your hand it wont burn the plants....


Well-Known Member
The hand job lol nice one yeh i did that the other day and it seems to be just in the right place then
cheers for that bud


Well-Known Member
maf,i have mine around 20inches away but you need good circulation to keep the temps down and not to scorch your leaves.


Well-Known Member
ive just been and checked the temp its hovering around 25c
ive designed the room with good circulation so it dont get too hot


Well-Known Member
18inches is good then,they will flourish under it....check mine out in my journal 20days old from seed


Well-Known Member
i can see they are starting to look healthier under there new light
i`m so glad
they wer asleep when i too the picture thats why the quality isnt too great