4 Strain DWC Grow! LED and CO2!


Active Member
Day 12

You'll notice in the bottom right corner the fallen and shriveled plant.
That's the skunk #11. (which I believe I incorrectly referred to as the Kandy Kush a few posts back just fyi)

I believe the problem is that this girl was slow to get her roots established in the res. So im just going to keep her in there as a wild card and see if she comes around :)



Active Member
^^^ to the above pic for those just joining

Top Left- White Siberian

Top Right- Kandy Kush

Bottom Left- Dutch Passion Shaman Purple

Bottom Right- skunk #11 (our fallen soldier :p )


Active Member
Your last grow was with SunShine Systems Glow Panel 45 mixed spectrum? I heard that thing only draws 8W!!! No wonder you got no results. I hope your new Spectra comes in soon. This will be a MASSIVE upgrade.


Halo dude, nice setup you got there!
I myself am using a 155W SpectreSpecial unit(dutchgreengrowlights) combined with a 125W CFL for my flowerbox. Hence I'm very excited to see hor you're going about with your grow, i'm also planning on trying DWC in my future grows. Where all your grows DWC or did you start off with soil?



Active Member
Your last grow was with SunShine Systems Glow Panel 45 mixed spectrum? I heard that thing only draws 8W!!! No wonder you got no results. I hope your new Spectra comes in soon. This will be a MASSIVE upgrade.
Hey man thx for checkin out my thread. Ya when I bought that sunshine grow panel I just went off the manufacturer's claim that it was a suitable alternative to a 250w hid. But that couldnt be further from reality. So wen I purchased the glh panel, I made sure to do my research. But the sunshine panel works well for clones and vegging.


Active Member
Halo dude, nice setup you got there!
I myself am using a 155W SpectreSpecial unit(dutchgreengrowlights) combined with a 125W CFL for my flowerbox. Hence I'm very excited to see hor you're going about with your grow, i'm also planning on trying DWC in my future grows. Where all your grows DWC or did you start off with soil?

Yes ive only grown in that dwc setup that you see there. Hydro has treated me well, and is actually really easy. I've never used soil. Im excited to see how this grow goes as well. I need a good harvest this time haha . Thx for stopping by my dude


I got a couple of more questions if you don't mnd answering them ^^
What are you using for pest/disease control? And how much did you invest in the whole dripping system for your six plants?


Active Member
I got a couple of more questions if you don't mnd answering them ^^
What are you using for pest/disease control? And how much did you invest in the whole dripping system for your six plants?
Always happy to answer questions :) I don't use anything for pest control. But then again i've yet to have an issue with bugs. And I bought the dwc system on ebay for 50 bucks.


And I bought the dwc system on ebay for 50 bucks.
Awesome! 50 bucks is a great deal; I read neem oil is great for pest and disease mitgation and thats what ive been applying once every two weeks and the plants seem to get along just fine since its all organic ^^


Active Member
Day 18

The plants are doing really well....minus the skunk #11 in the bottom right hah

I plan to veg for another 10 days or so..



Day 18
The plants are doing really well....minus the skunk #11 in the bottom right hah
Dead of a Skunk, lol; but the other ones are comming along really fantastic! How often do you change the water from the DWC? And do you clean the tubings? Ill def. try DWC on my next grow, this looks sick!



Active Member
Hey bilderberg. I actually don't change the water in there because its to awkward. Kinda hard to explain, but I would have to disconnect the water pump tubing and find some way to prop up the net pots , all while not damaging the roots. So basically I just add water as needed. Not ideal but the plants don't seem to suffer from it. And I haven't been able to clean the tubings yet , but definately need to because I have some serious build up in the clear drip lines. Theyre just super hard to get off and I'm afraid of damaging them and not being able to re attach the clear tube pieces. So i'll just clean it out between grows.


Active Member
Might want to look into a product called drip clean and instructions on how to add it to your feeding schedule, I couldn't tell you specifically. It is supposed to help prevent salt buildup on drip lines. It incorporates right into your water/food schedule.

Edit: Might also want to consider using a cooler with a drain on the bottom for quick res changes without shifting the plants/roots. Just cause you haven't had issues yet doesn't mean you won't. You can also add your own drain to the bin reservoir you're using if you trust your diy skills as far as not having it leak.


Active Member
Hey thx man. I'll look into the drip clean. That sounds like it could provide an easy fix.
And I'm going to do a little research to see how easy it is to add that drain pipe.
But you are right. I'm sure I will have issues this time with algae buildup because I'm going to be running hotter temps in the tent this time to take advantage of the co2 :)


Active Member
Day 21

Here's the skunk starting to prop back up :)

The plants overall look decent. I'm not crazy about the degree of yellowness in the middle top portion of new growth.
Is that an N deficiency? I havent put much nutes in there so far... Ya, I'm definately adding some more FF Grow Big tonite

Oh and heres some dank purp that ive been smoking on. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Guy I bought from didnt have a name for it, so we've been calling it Limo Tint :)

here it is next to some afghan hybrid



Well-Known Member
how many wats is that led panel?

thinking off getting one for vegging.

i seen 150wats is that right?

i see ones that are only 15watts
can you still vegg with the 15watt led's


Active Member
Its the Sunshine systems Grow 45. Box says 45 watts, but my research has concluded that it only draws 8 watts.
So that's why I ordered the Growledhydro 290w unit a couple weeks ago. That baby draws 290 actual watts :)


Active Member
Just ordered two 42w 2700k cfl's. I plan to hang those off socket fixtures and just keep them near the plant mid way up through flowering

I also ordered two 2' T5 single bulb fixtures, with 3000k bulbs

Lots of extra side lighting :) :) :)


Wow the plants look really great, kind of jealous right now for all the undergrowth they got going on ^^
I do believe its vital for your plants roots, hence their helath and BIG BUDS, to keep the water in your dwc system as clean as possible. Especially in vegging MJ uses up a lot of nutes (very much N), so I heard. but dont do the same mistake as me and start with 1/2 strength but rather with 1/3 or even 1/4 and then gradually raise it and check for sgn of nute burns, your plants will thank you for that.

