400W GWS ScrOG


Well-Known Member
Well, I suppose it is time for me to start a journal for this grow. I have abandoned my first journal, as I think I am going to kill the bagseed plant that I started before I received my Fem. Greenhouse Great White Shark seeds. I think I put the seeds in soil (after a quick paper towel germination) around Nov. 2, so I am at day 13 today. But here are the stats:

Medium: Smith & Hawken Premium Potting Soil with ~25-30% added perlite.

Lights: Air-cooled (cooltube) 400W High-Pressure Sodium lamp vented with 250cfm inline fan. I am running it 24/0 for right now. I will probably knock it down to 18/6 in a week or two for the last half of veg.

Environment: Temperature stays at a fairly constant 78F ambient. Humidity is about 30%.

Nutes: I have not begun to feed them yet, but I will be feeding them Fox Farm Grow Big for veg, and Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom for flower. For the moment, I am only giving them distilled water. I pH the water every time with white vinegar to about 6.2.

They may look a little small for 13 days, but I am fairly certain it is because I planted them too early. I was a bit impatient in getting them in soil after waiting 36 days for seeds (in the mail), so I planted when the taproots were pretty small. They sprouted, and then didn't put out true leaves for a week or more. Oh, and I will be building the screen in about 2 weeks, or as soon as I can find 2" poultry wire. Attached are a couple of pics.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy the progression of my grow. I wasn't going to bother starting one until I started to flower, or at least until I built the screen, because I know that most of you cats don't care until there are pretty buds to see. I might need some help on the way though, so I will probably update about once a week during veg, or when something bad happens. Comments welcome and encouraged! I would always like to know how they look to other people.






Well-Known Member
Nice. You are using a similar setup to mine.

Do you plan on lollypopping the bottem's or just letting them go naturally? I plan to chop the 1st and 2nd branches and cloning those, letting the plants put more energy into the ScrOG. I've seen some fucking killer cola's by doing this, although never in real life.


Well-Known Member
Nice. You are using a similar setup to mine.

Do you plan on lollypopping the bottem's or just letting them go naturally? I plan to chop the 1st and 2nd branches and cloning those, letting the plants put more energy into the ScrOG. I've seen some fucking killer cola's by doing this, although never in real life.
I think you are referring to a SOG, where you grow only one cola per pot. In a ScrOG, you make your plants take up a lot of surface area, and grow lots of colas off of one plant with the screen causing an even canopy for light penetration. I don't know that I have ever heard "lollypopping" in reference to a ScrOG, but if you are just asking if I will trim the leaves under the canopy, then, yes. If the leaves aren't pressed up against the screen, they are worthless. No light gets through that dense canopy. I am doing a ScrOG out of necessity. I can't afford the vertical space for anything else that would give me a comparable yield. Thank you for stopping in.



Well-Known Member
How long into veg do you plan on flowering?

I think I will probably go 5-6 weeks. I am going to put the screen about 12'-18" above the soil, so I guess I will go until my screen is about 75% full, however long that takes. The other 25% should fill up in the first couple weeks of 12/12. Thanks for the interest.



Well-Known Member
hey how hot does the cooltube get? how close could plants get without getting burned? thnx
My cooltube stays cool enough to where I could probably hold my hand on it for about 30 seconds comfortably. I keep it about 6" from the tops just to be safe, and I have no problems at all. If I added another fan, I think I could get it even closer. Also, I do not have an oscillating fan blowing on the tops right now, so that 6" is in still air. Thanks for checking my grow out.



Well-Known Member
So, I think it is about time I did a little update. I got around to making a screen today, so I am finally starting to be able to visualize the direction in which this grow is going. Unfortunately, I did have a little incident. I had to go to my girlfriend's parents' house for Thanksgiving, and needed to have the one (extremely trustworthy) person whom I have told about this grow water them. I set out the water for her in two different containers, and left specific instructions to give the water in one (which was pretty heavily nuted) to the big plant, and the weakly nuted water in the other to the younger ones. Unfortunately, she switched them; and I have some heavy burn on the two Great White Sharks. I can't yet part with my Sativa bagseed plant; and think I may take it all the way if I don't find that the difference in size is hurting the others.

Pic 1 is the Sativa bagseed plant. She is very healthy and getting to be pretty tall, especially compared to the other two. Some of her leaves were caught in a fan a while back, so she looks a little mangled. She has preflowers all over her.

Pic 2 is of the two little Great White Sharks. You can see where nute burn really ate at the lower leaves. I am pretty sure they are worthless to my ScrOG anyway.

Pics 3 and 4 are the whole family back in under my newly-constructed screen. The Sativa looks pretty drooped because I was trying to tie it down a little bit, but didn't have the proper string/wire for LST.

Thank you for having a look. I want to reiterate that comments are always welcome. And if any of you have experience with ScrOG, and can offer tips on training and the screen, I would really appreciate the input.




Well-Known Member
Wow, i can't believe it has been two weeks since I updated this journal. To bring everyone up to speed, I started flowering on about Dec 1st, which is about a week ago. So far, it is going well.

I decided to flower after thoroughly reading the "ScrOG-O-Rama" (which is the text of all online conversations when they were developing the method about ten years ago)and pH (the Scrogfather) continually emphasized the point that the stretch would ruin any unprepared ScrOG grower. I am about 8 days into flowering, and I don't thing the stretch will come anywhere near filling my canopy. Luckily, this is a first grow, and any yield will be a life changing yield. Attached are my pics. The little ones are my GWS, and the big one is the bagseed sativa plant. Even if I totally dick this one around, I think I should still get an ounce or two to smoke. Let me know. Oh, and I have been using Fox Farm Big Bloom and Fox Farm Happy Frog Guano on all of them (I mixed it in with the re-pot soil on the GWS, and top-fed [sprinkled] the big girl. I have also been feeding the GWS a little bit of Fox Farm Big Grow. They are all female. The pistils have been really bursting on the sativa, as it is two and a half months old now. The little girls should be rocking it soon. I hope you all enjoy it, evem though the porn pics are not coming for a couple more weeks.



Well-Known Member
I know I just did an update, but upon reflection on it, I had had a little too much to drink, and it really doesn't do my girls justice. I spent a lot of quality time with them tonight. My Screen had remained unkempt for far too long, and I thought it was time to get my budsites in order. I found far too many pistils popping in the darkness. I think I have everything going in a good direction now. I just hope they keep stretching; as I have a lot of empty screen. Here are a few pics:

This one is of the Great White Shark on the right:


And this is the little GWS on the left:


This is a little close-up of a budsite on the big (in comparison) bagseed Sativa. It is a little bit wet because I sprayed it to get rid of some residue from a pretty bad Guano spill I really had to get it done before I get too far into flowering:


And here is a shot of the whole Screen:


Like I said, I am really hoping for a good stretch on all of them. I started flowering about 10 days ago now, mostly because I became very paranois about stretch after reading the age-old "ScrOG-o-rama" text, where pH (The "ScROGfather", and most notable developer [not inventor] of this technique) warned time and time again about the horrors of overgrowth. I am still pretty optimistic right now, and think I will yield enough to keep me smoking for a good bit. A little extra stretch would really make me happy, though.

Oh, and I have been feeding it pretty heavily. I sprinkled some Fox Farm Happy Frog Guano on the soil of all three, as well as mixed in with the transplant pot on the Great White Sharks about 16 days ago. I have also been giving all three about 3tsp/gal of Fox Farm Tiger Bloom every other watering. In addition, the GWS get a little bit of Grow Big every other time to keep them growing as much as possible. I'd say about 1tsp/gal

Thank you very much for reading this, and I hope the pics are a little bit better than those of the past. I took 30+ pics to get these, and tried as hard as I could to keep them steady. Any comments are greatly appreciated, and I am sorry about the shitty post late last night.



Well-Known Member
Oh, and does anyone have any suggestions for odor control? I am looking for a good substitute for a carbon filter, as through my vent is the only way I could make one happy, and I am worried about impeding air flow. The success of my grow depends solely on my ability to vent this big light in a tiny space. I would appreciate any input.



Well-Known Member
I took some much-better-than-usual pics today, so i thought it would be a good idea to update. Yesterday, I caught the light right when it came on, but the pics were still that HPS hue. Today I went in about 10 minutes early with a little lamp (a 23W cfl, specifically; I use them in every room in my house except the grow room) and was able to take much better pics. I am also starting to learn the auto focus, so I feel I am becoming a much better photographer. Well, here they are:


Whoa, I really messed this post up by trying to make two posts in separate windows with picture at the same time. The pictures at the bottom are two Bagseed sativa closeups, and and over view of the Great White Sharks, and then an overview of the Sativa.

And I will have to continue on another post, as I have more pics to share.



Well-Known Member
And here is a couple closeups of the Great White Shark on the left. It had its first feeding of molasses a couple days ago.
View attachment 47815

And finally, here are a couple closeups of the Great White Shark on the right. It will never be fed molasses.

View attachment 47818

They are all starting to get just a little hint of frosty. I am really hoping that they swell up a lot; but I know that I have a whole lot of time left. I am over halfway through this grow though, (I started the Sat. over 10 weeks ago) and things are really starting to get exciting. Thank you for stopping in. Comments appreciated.



Well-Known Member
gotta give it some more time
I am expecting at least 5 more weeks on the Great White Sharks and 7-10 on the Sativa. I am not even entertaining the idea that they are almost done. When I said I was halfway done, I was including the 8 weeks of veg. Thank you for having a look.



Well-Known Member
i would take pics and post at least once a week if not every 3 days. keep us updated. looks great
Thanks for the compliment. I feel pretty good about them. They look really healthy right now, and have been sucking down nutes like crazy! I started off pretty light, but the Youtube Greenhouse Seed co. vid for GWS has them at a 1.9EC at like week 2! That gave me a little more confidence to slap the girls with a little heavy nute. I am going to try to update about twice a week, or whenever I can be there right before the lights kick on. I feel much better about these pictures than any previous ones.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment. I feel pretty good about them. They look really healthy right now, and have been sucking down nutes like crazy! I started off pretty light, but the Youtube Greenhouse Seed co. vid for GWS has them at a 1.9EC at like week 2! That gave me a little more confidence to slap the girls with a little heavy nute. I am going to try to update about twice a week, or whenever I can be there right before the lights kick on. I feel much better about these pictures than any previous ones.


no problem man. if no one ever got encouregment then no one would be good at anything. I personaly am setting up an ebb and flow, perpetual harvest, done a couple grows with soil and it just looks to suspisous halling in and out all that soil. I dont have to worry about that with the water cause brew my own beer and that takes a hell of a lot of water. I am also going to be doing an experimental grow with like 3 plants with beer fermenting in the box with them to see if the co2 output from the beer will help. So look out for that comming soon


Well-Known Member
I am going to do a rather lazy update. I took a couple of pics last night for my "side by side molasses experiment", so I have a few handy. They are all pretty close up, but the buds are looking sexy; so I don't think that's such a bad thing. I am nearing the end of week 4 in flower. I think I have about 3 more weeks on the Great White Sharks, and probably about 6-7 left on the Sativa. Needless to say, It fucking smells like weed in my house. I built a carbon filter, but haven't bought a duct fan to blow through it yet. Look at how resinated my girls are getting.

This is my baby on the left:

And my little girl on the right:

And here is a look at a couple of buds on the Sativa:


The buds are putting on a lot of weight. Unfortunately, I think I greatly overestimated the stretch on these plants, so my yields will be far from ideal. I was so worried about my height restrictions going into this grow, but I still have my HPS hanging on a foot of chain! And when I first came to this site, people were telling me that an HPS was totally out of the question for my little space. Silly naysayers!

I am just really excited that I am doing so well on my first grow! The GWS's seem to be as healthy as they could possibly be. They are sucking down nutes like crazy; I don't even know if it would be possible for me to give them nute burn at this stage. I have been feeding them Fox Farm Tiger Bloom at 4tsp/gallon every other watering. On the odd waterings, I give the one on the right plain water, and the other two get molasses. I might look into making a guano tea to smack them all with a little extra P. Oh, and I know I have a little bit of nutrient lockout on the Sativa. I have some pH issues that I haven't gotten around to sorting out yet.

I hope you enjoyed my little update. Maintenence is become extremely easy as I become more experienced. By far, the most labor intensive thing I do for the grow is take pictures for this journal. Thanks for reading; and keep checking back for updates. This is the part where the bud porn starts flowing.
