400w hps 3 strains. soil. 1st journal


Well-Known Member
i was thinkin "im going to top you, but i am aware of the FIM technique. i shall cut low, but not too low".......instead my shitty scissors werent all that sharp to whereas a friggin leaf could offset the blades enough for me to sever a feeding leaf stem (pic attached). i suppose that is a true FIM.

all is well with my 2 ladies. everday i pull 1-2 old fan leaves off. i give them a slight pull to the left and right and then upwards and if it doesnt come off, it stays. i got some paper bag crinkly lookin leaves still holdin on tight. and on the other hand some yellow not so terrible lookin leaves pop right off. the temps are fucking stellar. 75 with the lights on, 68 with em off. its gettin damn cold now (30s-40s) and i was concerned. being as i pull cold air straight from outside....could pose problems yet. i keep it in mind. if your reading this then i would like to thank you for your time. enjoy. im gonna keep this bitch updated throughout. i am on day 24 of flower.



Well-Known Member
i always use a nice sharp razor, i picked up a 100 pack of them for like 5 bucks at home depot they are the box cutter kind. work great for a couple uses then chuck em


Well-Known Member
heres some shit yall probably frown on. my "unknown" strain clone needs a transplant. so i went n got miracle grow soil. yea i know. and it has the time release shit in it. i had to. the nutes in it (including the time release shit) is minuscule. all less than 1%. it was either that or let em get root bound idk. last time i was using this shit my leaves got white in flower. it was either the soil, or sabotage. im not proud of it.


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow soil isnt as bad as everyone says it is it just takes a bit more skill to use it properly. i personally dont have that skill and have had bad luck with thier products but you gotta do what you gotta do man


Well-Known Member
yea we'll see how it goes. i will keep a strict record on it.

so today the pot is feelin kinda light, due for a waterin. i have this botanicare sweet shit that im gonna dump in there. maybe a dash of flower nutes. just a dash. maybe not. at first i didnt want to use the sweet shit but once i get rid of these little nute bottles everywhere im gonna forget i ever used em. gonna go for an organic soil ammendment and top dressing type of shin dig. the more i read about bottle nutrients, the more i dislike them.

the sweet shit has magnesium (1.5%), sulfur (2%), and iron (.06%) derived from epsom salt and ferrous sulfate
also says it has cane sugar in it. im not worried about using it.


Well-Known Member
looks great man, ill be flipping my room in about a week working on getting some bigger veg/flower areas and bigger light for my flowering cab now. ordered my 1k watt light kit last night so ill be able to ditch the CFL's for veg and use my 600w MH for veg and the 1k HPS for flower. not sure if i told you but i have Fruity Chronic Juice from Delicious seeds (was a freebie from lucky 7 promo back in january) growing and Big Budda seeds Blue cheese growing right now, i have grown the blue cheese out before and it is awesome but out of the ones i grew none seem to be as indica dom as the one i have growing right now which is great, shorter flowering period.

heres my rooom


the biggest plant is the fruity chronic juice, the smallest plant to the right is the blue cheese. the rest are all bagseed plants osme are clones and one is from seed.


Well-Known Member
yea im subbed to it. i noticed u said you were done wiht outdoor...why is that? i found that outdoor produces the best smell and taste. a totally different smell and taste from what indoor would have produced.

yea 1k watter is huge. id love to use one but i dont have the means of cooling that beast down. and also what about staying with your cfls for veg and using both the mh and hps in flower? i never have but i heard that makes for the perfect lighting. im not sure if u actually use both at the same time throughout or if their is specififc times that each light is better to use strictly. haha thinkin waay to hard about it. i have no complaints about cfls to be honest. they meet my needs. and frankly that little break in the electric bill is nice :)


Well-Known Member
someone ripped 6 of 7 of my plants this year right from behind my house so im just all set with growing out anything that is vaunerable to being stolen so easily

i dont care for the CFL just because i think they are harder to cool than a HID and i want to expand my veg area size so im thinking the 600w M will be a perfect way to veg my plants in the 32x32 tent.


Well-Known Member
yea man thats scary shit. arm yourself. fire a few rounds every couple of nights if you can. an armed society is a polite society.


Well-Known Member
i dont care for the CFL just because i think they are harder to cool than a HID
im not so sure about that one friend. i dont even have a fan in my veg room and temps are fine. sometimes my plants will even touch the cfl bulb for a day and not be affected. i have a 4oow metal halide in my garage and its just too big and hot for me to feel safe about putting it in an enclosed room. 600w mh will probably be fucking beautiful in a 32x32 tent IF u can keep it cool. look into using that MH during the last 2 weeks of flower....i believe that is what i read. please dont quote me on that tho.


Well-Known Member
Yea an air cooled hood would be sweet. I'd like to fab one up. It would probably be easier to buy one but....I don't give in that easily.

Anyway here's an update on the clones. They are doing well. Number 1 and 2 will be going to flower after I harvest the current wave. 3 and 4 are still a little small. Number 5 is just stunted to all hell.



Well-Known Member
It's terribly hard not to update this journal daily without sounding like a bore. But things are goin steady. The 2 in flower are just lookin sweet. I'm waiting to see some color before I add more pics. Some of the hairs are turning brown, does that mean it's ready? Jkjkjk I'm so tired of reading that type of shit...lol. here's some close up pics of my girls in veg. I tried getting the numbers on the popsicle sticks visible in the picture. Check out my top/film job. It succeeded as in the lower branches caught up in length but I never seem to get multiple tops with this strain. Maybe it's still too early to tell...o yea it needs a transplant as well....blah blah blah ry for the rant.

