400w hps 3 strains. soil. 1st journal


Well-Known Member
that bagseed clone that i ransplanted into the miracle grow soil is doing awesome. it was the 2nd biggest and now it is number one. i call it the dinosaur plant because the leaves are huge. i will provide pics and maybe some more info on the next post. thanks.

edit. i was stoned when i wrote this.


Well-Known Member
alright in this post id like to talk about the "bagseed" strain ive got to work with. all pics attached are of the strain i am referring to.

picture 1 is her about 50 days flower since flip. vegged for over a month prolly over 2. that big dead yellow leaf just doesnt want to come off either. i tug that bitch everyday and its tightly secured.

picture 2 is the main cola area. very dense nuggets.

picture 3 is a clone of the bagseed. looking amazing. miracle grow 6 month time release nutrient soil. she is looking very healthy at the moment. ive done some LST at the top there. im going to refer to her from now on as #2.

picture 4 is some of the LST ive done to #2. dont really know what to expect but hopefully those next few nodes can grow up and even.

picture 5 is #2's leaf. beautiful. so perfect. it really is. there is not one burnt tip on this whole plant i swear on the growers bible. miracle grow soil. only water. and not much. believe me tho i am expecting some bullshit come flower time which is soon.

picture 6 is another clone that i had took off the same plant as #2. this plant is 2 weeks younger than #2. she remained 2 inches tall for over a month. but now as you can see she is growing. theres also a cutting in that pot.

so heres the talking part. id like to know what to look for in a plant when it comes to bagseed and when it comes to physical characteristics of the plant itself. for example this has big huge leaves. they look fuckin awesome. but hard to manage. i like to think the bigger the leaf the better in a sense of more "solar panels". i know its gonna get me stoned when i smoke it but what should i look for when it comes to keeping or abandoning a strain. or should i say pheno because since i cloned it im stuck with exactally the same characteristics? shits confusing. someday it wont be. this is for the journal. this is a time capsule from the future already.



Well-Known Member
Here's an updated pic of flower room. Notice the 2 smaller ones. I've placed them sorta far from the light in hopes of it being a smoother transition from flouros to HID. I've done some LST to both. Since I mixed in some of that time release soil shit t hey will only get water. I'll keep an eye for deficiencies. I suppose I'll just rename this journal and just keep updating this until I upgrade in some way. How do I change the name of this post because im only working with 2 strains?



Well-Known Member
I'm new to forums . Not really sure how to find one. When I get home to the PC I'll find one.


Well-Known Member
So I tried out the bagseed bud. Clipped a lower branch. Trichs were clear with maybe half cloudy. Got me stoned tho. Not even day 60 since flip. Close tho.


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow is day 60 since flip. Depending how the trichs lol I will be harvesting on the weekend. Or the weekend after that. I'm not gonna do the 48 hours of dark before harvest like I usually do. Instead I will cut right before lights on. Pics tonight


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow is day 60 since flip. Depending how the trichs lol I will be harvesting on the weekend. Or the weekend after that. I'm not gonna do the 48 hours of dark before harvest like I usually do. Instead I will cut right before lights on. Pics tonight
honestly man it dosent matter, cut 5 hours into the cycle there is no difference.


Well-Known Member
Well here's some pics. Day 60 since flip. Tricks r cloudy and clear. I couldn't find any amber yet. I'll give it another week at least. I'm a little disappointed at the overall size of her buds. I'll be content with 2 ounces any less and I will consider it a loss.



Well-Known Member
got some pretty good news. a friend of mine is supposed to give me some seeds tomorrow and i will actually have a legit strain. i dont know the name yet but i dont really care to be honest. as long as its an indica ill be happy.


Well-Known Member
looks like you will get at least 2 if not more man...
the buds are pretty fluffy. the other plant in there, the bagseed, the buds are very dense. i have this indonesian bat guano that supposedly will make it more dense that i did not use on this plant. i did use it on the bagseed one. same exact conditions for both plants.


Well-Known Member
clone pictures

pic 1 and 2 clones i took 11/25.

pic 3 and 4 those same clones today.

pic 5 some roots sprouted out already. bagseed clone.

i took two clones from the bagseed and the other 4 from my reliable strain. i used cloning powder and rockwool cubes. the rockwool cubes were soaked in 1 gallon of ph'd water with 1/2 tsp of liquid karma. the lone clone under the dome is in a bunch of ripped open burpee brand pellet disk things.

oh yea i almost forgot. the other day i noticed the lone clone under the dome was all bound up in webs. i was handling the pot alot as i pulled out all the webs but didnt notice the spider until after i set it back down. i heard at first spiders are good, especially since i have a small gnat problem. but these webs were all over the clone. i got rid of the spider....havent seen webs since....

Edit. I seen more roots on a different clone. So 10 days and I have roots. Amazing for me.



Well-Known Member
Went to hydro shop this morning. Got a bag of ocean forest and some of that coco shit. Mixing the 2 together and the clones will go into pots tonight. Before abandoning the bagseed strain I'm going to try a simple organic grow with it to see how she handles. Pretty psyched. Also we are chopping the bagsee tomorrow