400watt HPS - 4x4x7 Tent - 6 x Blackberry Kush -


Well-Known Member
hows it look?
hows it smoke?
hows it taste?
hows, umm....
oh yea!
hows the high??


stays relevant.
yield was about 9 oz. due to some issues, but here is the report as given by a few close people.

appearance: tight, light green with areas of black, and hues of orange...
scent: fruity and fuely...
taste: very fruity... i've been sick for a while, so I might be wrong but it kind of tastes like pomegranate.
high: absolutely incredible... everyone who has smoked it declares that it's the best smoke they've had. I wholeheartedly agree.

All in all growing it was kind of a hassle due to the mites, and gnats I had to deal with, but if I can get my hands on it again, I will definitely be growing it again.

Overall the taste, smoke, scent, and high has brought blackberry up to #1 on my top 5.

it burns so clean and smooth, hitting it is just like breathing (which is a lot for me to say considering I have had a collapsed lung and am dealing with the aftermath of that: coughing, wheezing, inability to breath, limited lung capacity).

i'll be posting pics ASAP. thanks for your patience everyone!


stays relevant.
not yet... i've been pretty consumed with setting up the 32 plant flowering area, and haven't had the chance to pick up batteries... i'll try and get some photos in soon but not sure when... just found out my mother has cancer, and am trying to deal with that right now too.

stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
Ah Shit man...sorry about your mom... 32 plants?... damn!... I mean im in heaven cause i can grow my own and all... but 32 plants... holly hell... Whatup friend! lol... no really keep your head up man and best of luck to your mom.


Well-Known Member
yield was about 9 oz. due to some issues

. . . . Overall the taste, smoke, scent, and high has brought blackberry up to #1 on my top 5.
Nice grow. 9oz out of six plants seems OK, specially if you're still ironing out the kinks. I know there are grows here with larger yeilds but hey, I'ld be happy with an oz per plant with my first grow.

. . . . sorry to hear about your mom. Hopefully one day cancer will be gone.

Take care GT and thanks for the informative journal.



Well-Known Member
I recently have taken an interest in growing, and your set up looked quite ideal, and the pictures made it really easy for me to see what I had to do to get the ball rolling. I pretty much copied your entire setup (DR120 tent, same ventilation, 6x 5gal HD buckets, etc). However, what I don't have are the actual plants themselves...
I wanted to start with seeds just to have a complete experience of taking a plant from seed --> smoking, but I hear seeds are quite hard to come by in Socal. Could you tell me which club you acquired your clones from? If for some reason you cannot discuss this in the thread, I'd really appreciate a private message! :D (I tried to msg you but for some reason the site wouldn't let me...) Thanks!


stays relevant.
Seed CAN be hard to find at times... Clones are all over the place, and if I remember correctly there are no longer "blackberry seeds" as it has gone to clones only.


Well-Known Member
PM me if you want more information on where I got the blackberry clones.
Hey, thanks for your speedy reply!I tried to PM you (with the "Message GrowTech" link in your profile) but it says

"mrcryce, you do not have permission to access this page."

Maybe because I am a new member to RIU? Do you mind PMing me with information on which club you got these blackberry clones from? :)


Well-Known Member
i can't send you PMs either... spend some time using the forums and then that will change.
Alright :) I will do that. By the way, do you mind elaborating a little more on the problems you had involving gnats and mites? One of the biggest reasons I chose to go with a tent was because of the amount of control I could have over all the relevant factors that affect a plant's growth, including the presence of parasites or other undesirable critters. I'm quite surprised to find that this can be an issue even in such an isolated environment! Of course I am still quite the newbie...


Active Member
how much of a difference did the A/C make? I live in los angeles aswell and today i setup my tent and it got about 90 degrees in ther without the light. Overal with the a/c what did the elctric bill look like, is it dramatic.


stays relevant.
Alright :) I will do that. By the way, do you mind elaborating a little more on the problems you had involving gnats and mites? One of the biggest reasons I chose to go with a tent was because of the amount of control I could have over all the relevant factors that affect a plant's growth, including the presence of parasites or other undesirable critters. I'm quite surprised to find that this can be an issue even in such an isolated environment! Of course I am still quite the newbie...
Well, the tent wont prevent fungus gnats... I was just not prepared, a couple of stupid rookie mistakes I made impeded their ability to flower as quickly and fully as they normally would've. Ultimately it was just bad soil... Yellow sticky traps work to stop the gnats, and Pyrethrin fogger worked to kill the mites. Just be sure not to get bugs the first time around.

how much of a difference did the A/C make? I live in los angeles aswell and today i setup my tent and it got about 90 degrees in ther without the light. Overal with the a/c what did the elctric bill look like, is it dramatic.
A/C made a huge difference. The AC being on did at to the bill, but wasn't really that bad as I recall. The AC was the best investment I made. Bill might have been $400/mo total.


Well-Known Member
any idea when there will be another tent grow? This is the type of setup I'm trying to do before the end of November. Instead of an a/c unit can i just use rotating fans on the bottom vents for temp control if I'm gonna do an outdoor tent grow?