$45-$60 a gram?


Well-Known Member
rofl .. you guys are funny
i have never herd of any one to charge 60, 50 or 40 a gram
30 a gram for some so called "haze" yes....
decent mids for 25$ quarter .. will get you decently stoned after you smoke an 1/8th.
not worth putting all that smoke into my lungs !


Well-Known Member
idk what kind of mids ya'll smoking but 25 gets you flame mids 15-20 will get you that reg mids.


Well-Known Member
Dont worry VaporK Hipphoe is a dumb bitch who dont know what he talking about.
shit if he knew what i know there couldnt be that much hate in em.. there is no hate at the bottom of a vapor bag....
but to fuck with someone who just said they were a single mom on a fixed budget..wtf you fukin fuck.. come on down to the dirty south and pop off like that is all i am going to say....
respect mane


Well-Known Member
the flame mids dont have many seeds the reg mids hell yea. we talking 15-20 seeds an onion.

the flame mids is like my rec smoke if I dont feel like gettin too high

I want to see some shwag in real life.


Well-Known Member
$50 for half an oz, that's $25 for a quarter. Sounds like you need to get rid of your internet and buy some better weed than, what is sounds like to me, at 25$ a quarter, that's less than $5 a gram, must be the nastyiest, dirtyiest, contaminate-filled, disgusting, black-hands-manhandled, mexicon-hands-manhandled, manhandled, crushed, brick weed. You disgust me.
You are lame

Maybe thats what you get.

30 dollars i can get some good green weed with maybe 5 seeds in the quarter


Well-Known Member
GTFO ZenMaster, you're the dumbest man alive.

Joints only allow about 5-10% of the actual available THC to be consumed, so you're technically wasting 90-95% of your weed by rolling it into joints all the time.
Blunts allow a little more absorption, but only because they're larger and fatter than joints, containing more weed and thus more potential thc.
Bongs allow 70-80% of the available THC to be absorbed, much more effecient than a joint or a blunt and at the same time, uses much much less weed.
Pipes are the most effecient, allowing up to 95% of the available THC to be absorbed.

However my favorite is the bong. As not only is it highly effective, it allows me to use very little weed, yet the device allows the smoke to become concentrated, thus increasing the effect and the effeciency. Not only that but it cools the smoke down, allow a much larger inhale, thus more potential THC to become absorbed.

GO suck bush's dick, Zenmaster. That's all I got for you.

You're joking right?


Well-Known Member
The hell you think is happening when you light up a joint, take a big ol' inhale, then stop smoking? Do ya think the joint stops smoking too?


Well-Known Member
The hell you think is happening when you light up a joint, take a big ol' inhale, then stop smoking? Do ya think the joint stops smoking too?
Its true the cherry keeps burning, but not that much is lost.

I don't know where you heard your little "5-10% THC consumed" statement, but it'd be best not to repeat that to avoid looking like a retard.

A very small amount of THC is filtered through the rest of the pot as it moves through the joint to your lungs, but on the plus side that pot is a little more saturated and you smoke it as the cherry reaches the rest of the pot.

If I had to guess how much pot is being wasted by a burning cherry, I'd guess 5%. Not that much to worry about, and plus, its just swag so I'm not crying over it. Again, I like to puff and chill, not suck down a bowl.


Well-Known Member
Its true the cherry keeps burning, but not that much is lost.

I don't know where you heard your little "5-10% THC consumed" statement, but it'd be best not to repeat that to avoid looking like a retard.

A very small amount of THC is filtered through the rest of the pot as it moves through the joint to your lungs, but on the plus side that pot is a little more saturated and you smoke it as the cherry reaches the rest of the pot.

If I had to guess how much pot is being wasted by a burning cherry, I'd guess 5%. Not that much to worry about, and plus, its just swag so I'm not crying over it. Again, I like to puff and chill, not suck down a bowl.

i like joints they're good for on the go but theres nothing better than sitting back and milking a big ass bong thats hooked up to a gask mask.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Its true the cherry keeps burning, but not that much is lost.

Again, I like to puff and chill, not suck down a bowl.
That's true. Inhaling the contents of the ashy bowl blows cock, and that can never happen in a joint. In fact, I could use a joint right now.


Active Member
This is my first reply on this website, but i've been a long time reader!! =]

Anyway, firstly I would never spend more than $30 on a g, strictly because if
your a long time smoker like myself, you should have by this time met someone
else who would love to take care you and your $30 with some of thier stash. =]

I know we all have at least a couple stonner friends..haha.

just my opinion..you guys are great. bongs all the way for me. They just seem
to do the trick. =]


Active Member
gas masks are not chill
Say what? Gas masks are so entertaining. Just close your eyes, sit back, and inhale...then finish and spend ten minutes scrubbing resin off your face. But goddamn, if it isn't totally worth it. The clearest, most beautiful high I ever had was from a friend's mask. I smoked that same baggie for a week and it never got me back to that point. I swear it was the mask.

And fuck spending that much for weed. I've grown my own a couple of times and from cuttings from other friend's plants.