48" X 48" X 78" 400w grow tent by JP

I am all about being safe but you really don't need to worry about the power. 400w is like adding a computer to your house. 600w is like adding a flat screen tv. Even a couple 1kW lights shouldn't raise suspicion. I use to run a space heater 6+ hours a day - I think it was rated at 1200w.
ahh thank you very much. i am actually adding a large flat screen tv and a kegerator so my bill is due to go up a little bit already. thank you for your opinion on the safety matters. I live in weed hell and have to take all the precautions i can.

wow 48x48....I'd use two 400's or 1 1000. exactly which tent did you buy? the GYO only has 4" vents....I'm wondering which one you bought. you using the duct booster fan to vent the room? or your light? If its to vent your room. i went with something larger:


I got that for a 48x48 space.

what nutes you using? (i may have not read it, if you had posted already)

I am using fox farm soil and General hydroponics nutrients mainly because its what i have to work with already. Ive had wonderful results with gh's flora series in past grows so expect the same since its for soil as well as hydro.

I received my light but haven't had a chance to put the tent together yet. I just finished putting my kegerator together. Ill be picking up a keg and some co2 tomorrow.
Yay draft beer!

I will get the tent together very soon and duct my light. I will have the fans and scrubber in by next week.

lol it seems like it huh? ive had a shitload of stuff happen in my real life which has delayed the construction of the tent. I am still waiting on a few items in the mail then i can begin. i promise you will see weed growing soon hehe

You got it, heres a few pictures, ive been waiting for the local keg mart to get more co2. im picking up a keg monday along with 5 gallons of co2.

the yellow and white bottle is a cleaning kit for the kegerator. I untap the kag, tap the bottle and it cleans the beer lines for me.

ill be doing that once i get the co2 to clean any residue from the beer lines before i tap my first keg.

I drink miller lite mostly so that will be the first keg i buy. I will be trying different brands over time as i bought this for upcoming football season. Gotta have man cave supplies!

whats your favorite brew?

My elect went up about 100 bucks after running a 400 wat veg and two 600's for flower with a fan and scrubber.

Then it went up another 50 after I added another 600 and another 400 and an inline fan for the 600.

So with 3 600's 2 400's a 3 oso fans, 1 fan/scrubber co2 regulator and an inline runs me about $150 a month on top of my $50 a month house bill.
Hi JP,
I just finished building a tent setup with a 400w. It's a little smaller than yours but wanted to let you know what I did for vent and fans.
I got a 4" fan a filter kit from htgsupply.com and also got a fan speed control. I ran 6"->4" reducers from the cool tube. The carbon filter is on the end and the fan is pulling through both the carbon filter and the cool tube. I just set this up last night and temps have been 77 degrees when the lights are on.
This is the fan and filter I got: LINK

Edit: I should mention that I have the fan on a lower setting and temps are holding and sound is not an issue.
I'm a bit into the micro brew scene. Big fan of Sierra Nevada as well - it's the local beer and I'll swear by it any day.

To figure out power usage multiply the following:

hrs per day*days per month*kWhs*rate. For me running my 600 it is as follows: 12*30*.6*.12 = $25.92
cool thanks for the info on your electricity bill. I am doing a small grow so ill probably veg with cfl's in a closet then move them to the tent for 12/12 under the 400w. If i had it to do over again i would have went with the 600w light. but the 400w will have to do for now. it should do justice to autos or ak48s

I have party cups and fox farm soil. I am tempted to plant the five seeds and get them growing while i wait on everything to arrive. i was thinking about adding perlite to the soil to make it a little more forgiving to the plants. Would this be a good idea or should i just use the soil straight out of the bag?

Perlite or coco would help with aeration but you will need to water more often and thus dilture the nutes a bit more. Not a bad idea though.
Sounds good, I think ill add some perlite to the soil just to improve aeration. I will let the plants veg in the cups and transplant them into the 3 gallon smart pots for flowering. I have 3- 42 watt cfls i can use for veg. I think i will get that together and cut the party cups and wet the seeds. I will take some pics while im doing it.

Turns out i only have three ak 48 seeds so this will be a test grow. I have 10 femmed short riders on the way for a full grow later this summer.

