Well-Known Member
No I haven't seen all of those robot chicken them only bits and pieces of them they are usually really funny.
Huh, huh, said erecting.
BTW, enjoy the new Star Wars quotes in your sig line. Have you seen the Robot Chicken Star Wars Trilogy? Was watching that with the missus last night...funny as shit! She saw the opening credits, rolled her eyes and was going to tune out the show, but she was rolling on the floor after the first minute...we watched them back-to-back.
Yeah, I gave her one last small feeding just before picture time. I'm thinking she's got 2-3 weeks left.looks like those leaves are really starting to fade out must be getting much longer do you think she's got?
This is the official update thread for the 4th party cup grow-off. Contestants must provide a photo-update every weekend from here on out, or they're out.
The rules are simple:
1}MUST be in a 16oz plastic party cup,
2}MUST be started and finished under the same light source,
3}MUST have your seeds germinating no later than Feb. 28,
4}MUST post update weekly.
5}No Veg time, straight flowering
Write on the cup the following:
Strain name
Date germed
Date seeds pop out of cup
In your first post, give a few details about your strain, medium, nutrients, lights, any training, etc...
Competition ends when all contestants have harvested. Any questions let me know. Let the games begin! Good Luck and Have fun!
^^^^ its ok . if anyone is getting dq'd it would be chron. those dang southerners...we need a drum roll emoticon
dont worry its a bad joke chronny