4th week closet grow under shop lights


Active Member
OK sothis is my first grow.... I have been through SEVERAL changes..... I think I am to the point were I can sit back and let them do there thing.... I knowI have stunted there growth dramaticly by messing with them so much(but the changes made wer necissary) I plan to grow either ak48 or blue venom... havent decided yet.....

i have ;

4 ... 4foot florou tubes

2 @ 3600 lumens each
2 @ 3200 lumens ea

the 3600 ones are warm sun"
the 3200 are cool blue"

feels like you get a sun burn when your skin is under them and you dam sure gotta wear shades when I raise the lights to see them....

may plants are probably gettint over 90% of this light and if i calculated right i got a total of 15,800 lumen......thats 5000 more than the sun produces in summer.....is this too much? as you can see i got the lights contoured around the plants....there isnt a part of the plant that isnt getting it full strenth by this light......

good bad?

dont just look......respond.......I got big plans in the next couple months for some DANK and I could use all the input i can get....

some look whilted.... i dont know if it was the 25% increase in nutes(25-8-16)<was at 25% went to 50% deluted> or if it was cause i just added 2 extra lights and surrounded them by it......... what do you think?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
what did you change it from? just curious those plants look really small for 4 weeks. do you flower with the same lights?


Active Member
I evolved from an embarrassing grow cabinet with little screw in lamps and tin foil all in same pot transplanted several time due to numerouse probs



Active Member
Lumens are for humans, not plants. I seriously doubt that you are producing more usable light than the sun even with the bulbs that close.
Those were popped from seeds. If you have been messing with nutes, you've identified your own wilting problem. They didnt even need nutes at all yet. When leaves look like talons, you have too much nitrogen. flush them out and start mild.


Active Member
like i said its 1st time so would you explain "flush? ... is it like running continuouse water through them till the water running out is clear........wont this then give me a overwatering prob?

thanks keep up the input....


Well-Known Member
Hey another shop-lite grower here...I used 3 - 4ft fixtures/ 6 bulbs called "daylight".....did some autos ......floros does ok, just smaller yeilds....usually no impact on potency.....although I finished most under hps, I kept two autos under floros the whole time.....was great to have'em close enough to watch......
I will agree with the other poster, you've probably shown way too much love and attention to your plants....I never nute before a month old at least.....]


Active Member
so they are a month old but they look like a week or 2 old so should i just say they are 2 weeks old and go from there.....insted of flushing cant i just use WATER from now on???


Weeds a pretty strong plant n will grow almost any where n any condition but you need a good light source for the production of big buds


Active Member
Yes John, you won't get an overwatering problem cuz you aren't going to continue overwatering. It's just better to give them more water than they need once right now than let them sit in soil thats hurting them. Let them grow a few more nodes then start in slowly with food. They should recover just fine.


Active Member
ok so to "flush " hold them under slow running water till it runs clear??? wont this also compact the soil and take all the minerals out? I got 8 plants till I can know the sex so I dont mind trying anything to a couple.....


what about the lights??? there ok for vegg right .... can i flower also with the same lights .... resouces are limited where im at....


Active Member
Well, don't go crazy with the water. Try giving them about the volume of their container. If you're using tap water, let the chlorine evaporate and make sure yours doesn't have some crazy ph out of the tap(mines 8.5). The idea is exactly to reduce the nutrients in your soil. Just for now until they recover.

You can veg under those lights. Technically you can flower under anything, just don't expect very dense nugs or a large yield. If the genes are good and you treat them right, they will still be dank. I'm sure you realize that there are far superior lighting options out there. When you're working with what you got, you just have to have realistic expectations.


Active Member
i have looked into sevveral options this small town has to offer.... the only thing that I have found is a "200w" equivalent to "400w" hps with balace for $50 but it was the type you put on your light poles...... I cannot for the life of me figure out how Id put that in my closet......... so I will get yeild no matter how thin but it will flower?.... what if I added more lights like are there? In the future ....far future and SEVERAL BUT LOADS OF MULLAH Ill have a room suitable for the high wattage lights... till now Im under the radar and flying cool with a small outcome i guess hahah


Well-Known Member
so they are whilting because I am giving them nutes period....ok NO NUTES TILL WHEN????
I use liquid kelp 1 tsp per gallon during seedling stage. and this mixture is diluted down even more 10% mixture to 90% water. After 2 weeks seedling stage I'll give them big bloom 1 tsp per gallon. once again diluted 10%-90%. Keep in mind this is done only once during this period, not every other watering.

This is my one of my 4 week old plants. Well more like 4 and a half week old. Keep in mind this plant is in a 4 gallon pot, just for some sort of scale.



Active Member
Your light cycle will tell them when to flower. How much light determines how much flowers. Their genes and your care determine how yummy the flower.
Of course more lights would help, read up on LST techniques as well so you can get those bulbs covering as much plant as possible. I personally wouldn't invest more in shop lights tho, if you are willing to spend, save for some kind of upgrade in tech. I'm sure with some creativity those street type fixtures could be modded to suit a closet.


Active Member
I use liquid kelp 1 tsp per gallon during seedling stage. and this mixture is diluted down even more 10% mixture to 90% water. After 2 weeks seedling stage I'll give them big bloom 1 tsp per gallon. once again diluted 10%-90%. Keep in mind this is done only once during this period, not every other watering.

This is my one of my 4 week old plants. Well more like 4 and a half week old. Keep in mind this plant is in a 4 gallon pot, just for some sort of scale.

i knew mine weree horribly little i guess I should have planned things out before i just put some seeds into soil haha:wall::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf:


Well-Known Member
i knew mine weree horribly little i guess I should have planned things out before i just put some seeds into soil haha:wall::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf:

LoL...Its easy to show your girls TOO much love. LoL.. In the future water your seedlings with a spray bottle. keep em on a heat mat and under a clear dome...
looks like your girls suffer from poor roots possibly rot.
This pic is if one of my girls the same age as the other her root ball never seemed to establish itself as good as her sisters. Just for scale she is in a 1 gallon pot.



Well-Known Member
axj what are you using for light?
I have 2 Sunshine systems GlowPanel 45's
LED's are the shit! I love em. Thats what you need for your plants, just get the GlowPanel. its only 14w but will blow your cfl away, and its only $50.00 its a good starter light.