4x4 grow room clean slate

The only people in danger when trading is the traders but that is the same risk you take buying them?? So i dont understand the problem .... I will find another forum that big brother isnt watching ...oh and i think its all about money if this site was not sponsered by seed banks we would be able to trade whatever we want ....my 2 cents

end of topic:) pm only for seed talk:)

i dont think money has much to do with it ..... Just tring not to get raided.
Also when u send em out ... Do you make up a return addy ?
why did overgrow.com get shut down ?
any other sites ? .... and then members get to worry about what info is logged and the gov is looking at
If anybody was worried about keeping there grow quiet they wouldnt post on these sites at all the govt can read all this if they want we are all breaking the law even the people with med ops are still in violation of federal laws and we could all go to jail. Do you know why overgrow.com was closed,could be for any number of reasons i dont know??

why did overgrow.com get shut down ?
Any other sites ? .... And then members get to worry about what info is logged and the gov is looking at
New Information Regarding Police Seizures of Overgrow.com

Sun, Feb 05, 2006 11:49 am
more: headline news

source: cannabisculture.com

Overgrow.com, Cannabisworld.com, Heaven's Stairway Seed Company and Eurohemp.com Owners Apprehended.

Cannabis Culture has developed a timeline of events we believe accurately account for the disappearance of Overgrow.com, Cannabisworld.com, Heaven's Stairway Seeds (hempqc.com), and Eurohemp.

On Monday evening, resident of Montreal Richard Calrisian, the owner of the four websites, was contacted by his web service providers in Vancouver where his servers were situated. They told him that there may be a problem, regarding a police investigation. RC told his provider to shut down the websites immediately.

Within hours, the police (it's unknown what kind of police) apparently entered the server site in Vancouver with a warrant and apprehended the hardware that housed the four web sites.

In the early morning of Tuesday, police in Montreal moved in and arrested RC, his wife, family members and an unknown number of employees.

It is alleged that RC, a pseudonym, is being held at Riviere-des-Prairie (RDP) jail in Montreal, and his wife in is Tanguay jail, across the river from RDP. Cannabis Culture called the prison and found no one there under the name Richard Calrisian.

The bail hearing should be on Monday, but it is unusual that a bail hearing has not yet been held. Typically they take place within 24 hours of arrest, unless an investigation is ongoing and the accused are being held temporarily without bail. This may be because there is a risk that the arrest news might inform other persons who are also under investigation.

Earlier reports of a drug bust in Hearst, Ontario are not related the seizure of Overgrow.com websites.

Oh yeah there is nothing on this site to say that all our info isnt forwarded right to the dea. This whole site could be ran by the dea or some other drug task force how would we know .... Its a risk we all take! Even the guys that block ip addys and stuff like that are not safe the govts have smarter computer geeks than us!
I cant find any proof that the govy shut down any of these sites
??? But i guess it might be kept quiet... Who knows we are all fuct if the shit goes down so i guess its best not to think about it..

Freedon of speech huh/ as long as you only speak about the govt approved topics ahahaaha funny stuff!

And for the record im no freedom fighter i carry eye drops and cologne just like the rest of you guys i just think it stinks we cant share our local wares:(
Oh yeah there is nothing on this site to say that all our info isnt forwarded right to the dea. This whole site could be ran by the dea or some other drug task force how would we know .... Its a risk we all take! Even the guys that block ip addys and stuff like that are not safe the govts have smarter computer geeks than us!

haha there you go ... so its LEO keeping you from trading you your seeds on here cuz hes getn seed sponser money ... case solved:bigjoint:
But that isnt so far fetched .. How much money did the govt make putting crack on the streets???4.5 billion in 1987 alone. And that is fact they called it low income zoning experimentation !!!!! I have a hard copy of a thesis three law students worked on in 1989 it has some scary info in it about the l.a. Crack epidemic and govt involvement i will try to find it on the net...

haha there you go ... So its leo keeping you from trading you your seeds on here cuz hes getn seed sponser money ... Case solved:bigjoint:
I cant find any proof that the govy shut down any of these sites
??? But i guess it might be kept quiet... Who knows we are all fuct if the shit goes down so i guess its best not to think about it..

Freedon of speech huh/ as long as you only speak about the govt approved topics ahahaaha funny stuff!

And for the record im no freedom fighter i carry eye drops and cologne just like the rest of you guys i just think it stinks we cant share our local wares:(
*peering in pockets* ..Um...nope..don't have either WD..No room what with extra mags and ammo*eg*
I know some folks that know that business. First, there are security programs for free that the feds CAN'T break..I'll get the names... There is(was) a case in fed court..fed leo wanted the guy to give up his passwords, as the feds COULDN'T break into it*lol* The guy said "Hell No".. Fifth Amendment. The sad truth is..that although the tech to gather all info is available..think about it...even with catch phrases and special words, there is still the need for human eyes to go through it...Then, the "prabable cause issue comes up..Where did this info come from? Since it's existence is denied..poof there it goes... As long as care is taken we can all...stay under the radar..and between the ditches....