4x4 tent, 600 watt hps, Multiple Strain Medical Grow.


Active Member
Here we are at the end of week 6 and the start of 7. Cannot express how much I want to cut these ladies down, but continue to wait I shall. I am also eager to get them done with so I can try some new strains, and possibly new nutrients too for the hell of it. All the plants are doing well. I do see a couple mites here and there, but I have been spot spraying (Mighty Wash) and grooming them every day to keep em down till harvest in two weeks.

Here are some pics....

Jupiter Kush


Assorted Strains


The Ladies Club!!



Active Member
Looking good! 2 more weeks ya think?

~C That Cat?:dunce:
I sense your worry when you say two more weeks lol. In two weeks it will be sixty days, but by the color of most of the pistils I would say that some will take longer than that. I know for sure a couple will be done, but most may take longer, especially the one blue dream . 45x Magnifying loupe is on the way in the mail, so I will be getting some more clarification.


Active Member

We are at the end of the 8th week of flowering! All is well. buds are looking great. will be chopping em down over the next two weeks! Ill take some better pics tomorrow!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Huh? Where?

FFOF is sterilized in an oven before it gets shipped out. If there are mites in your FFOF, your FFOF was exposed to mites after it was already shipped out. Blame the store that sold it to you, and only buy from stores that store their soil properly.

Don't buy soil that hasn't been stored properly. I buy my soil off the pallet, and it's all wrapped up in syran wrap. I have to tear into the wrapping to get to my soil.